replaced one bearing and no problem just popped out, the second wont come out for the life of me, tried heating it up and prying with no luck, not sure if the hub comes off. any ideas how to braek lose??101cheers101
Might take a puller or something that can put constant pulling pressure on it and then hit the end of the spindle/or puller that is pushing on the end of the spindle with a decent size hammer, sometimes the shock with pressure will free things up, if you do hit the end of the spindle be careful not to mess up the threads. Sometimes having the nut flush with the end of the spindle will help protect the threads but it is still easy to mash a thread or flair the end even with the nut in place.
The hub does come off. Are you having trouble with the inner or outer bearing? I've knocked stubborn bearings out from the back side of the hub with a big screwdriver and a hammer. Take the hub off first. Inspect your spindles carefully, a seized bearing to a spindle can create a wear spot and new bearing will get eaten up quickly. It will require replacing the spindles or a new axle.