Well-known member
I thought I would start a thread showing what we are doing or would like to do this year to our boats and share with others our ideas that mabye would help someone elese, or go I never would have thought of that! any way my idea came when I got tired of having to keep my anchor chain in a container so I wouldnt have to here it bounce on the deck or scrach the deck and sides of the boat when I had to haul it over the sides. I do a lot of hyd. work and need to protect the hoses from rubbing so I thought the sleeves I use on hyd hose would work perfect its nylon, soft, breaths, and dosn't rot and its black which goes with the boat (thats important) best of all its cheep. for my ss chain I use #16 or 1'' and about 6' of it, I slide it down the chain and tuck in about an inch and cut 2 small slices opposite each other and run a black zip tie (not because it matches the boat they are uv resistance and wont crumble like the white ones do over time) thru and chain above the anchor if you use the break away style like I do or to the anchor eye if you don't. do the same thing on the last chain link before the rope conection and you are done no more noise, scrached floor, or hot chain, and no more container I have to worry about blowing out. simple and easey here are some pictures for those that have never seen it before. dfly
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