Washington Forum MODERATOR
I'm curious to know... when smoking kokes do you normally keep the skin on the fillets or go skinless in the smoker? Does fish size impact your choice?
101goodpost101 movie89586I believe fish size play a part. I choose to smoke with the skin on one side of a fillet. Kokes being generally small as opposed to ocean salmon, I believe would easily dry out if it were completely skinned. Some might prefer koke jerky but I like my fish to have a little moisture left in them.
I'm on the "skinless" side of this. I also spoon off the fat from the lateral line area after smoking so it does not have the bad fat flavor mix with the meat. Call me picky but that's what I like to do. I also turn my fillets and baste them at the very end to add various flavors.
I'm on the "skinless" side of this. I also spoon off the fat from the lateral line area after smoking so it does not have the bad fat flavor mix with the meat. Call me picky but that's what I like to do. I also turn my fillets and baste them at the very end to add various flavors.
Is there a recipe page ???