Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Utah has some of the wierdest weather. When ever a storm comes off the deserts of Nevada and the west desert of Utah, the high winds stir up so much dust, that it will mix into the atmosphere when it rains. 'Raining dirt' is a common occurence. When you wash your vehicle clean and it rains dirt, your vehicle looks worse than what it was before you washed it. Another term I have seen used is when dirt mixes with snow you get 'snirt'. 101thumbsdown101 And then when it comes off of the salt flats mixing in with snow, the term is known as 'snalt'. 101thumbsdown101 If you own a white vehicle like I do, 'snalt' blends in but you do have to go wash it off. I noticed that my smaller BBQer ash pan was blown clean overnight from the high winds we just had and now its snowing. So, I think someone is getting a little 'snash'. laugh hyst Is there any wierd weather terminology from your area you can share?