I've been mainly trolling these lures for around 13 years now and where i fish there's no difference in catch rate between the hot spot and pro troll versions. If the water is clear you might try a long leader to the dodger (the dodger is more for attraction since these lures have plenty of action of their own.) Re-rig with lighter line like mentioned and use a bobber stop so you can adjust the hook set-back... some days they like the corn swinging a few inches in back of the lure.
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tip with one piece of corn per hook and smear some gel scent on the lure. I only use the 1.5 versions that are sold as trout lures (they measure 2" from tip to tip) and change out the 12lb line to 8lb. There are days when the hot spot out produces the pro troll but there are just as many days when it's the other way around. Most of the time i run each version on both sides of the boat and there's no difference. Troll these lures at 1.4 to 1.6 mph, vary your speed and do plenty of s turns. I only run them on the downriggers... never tried them without.