This is just a general comment and definitely NOT directed at any one individual. The fish & game departments of both Wyoming and Utah have highly educated and well trained professionals working in their respective fish departments. I 100% feel that they are making decisions on their fisheries that are in the best interests of the fisheries AND the users of said fisheries. I also don't believe that either state is making arbitrary decisions about how best to manage the Flaming Gorge lake trout population. I firmly believe that there are lines of communications open state to state and are actually being used to come up with a good, scientifically based management plan.
While some of us like to eat lake trout and others don't, there isn't any reason that we can't all get along with regard to the use of the resource. Neither state has mandated that if you fish Flaming Gorge, you HAVE to target lake trout. If you like/want to eat them, go for it. You can now increase that enjoyment with the increased limit. If you don't like/want to eat them, then don't fish for them. There are plenty of folks that will take advantage of the increased limits. You don't have to catch them just because you can. I'm absolutely, 100% certain that both states are fully aware that not everybody thinks lake trout are edible. They didn't increase the limit to try to entice anglers that don't like to eat them to catch them. But if the folks that do like to eat them can keep 4 more per day, then maybe that will help keep the numbers in check.
The goal here is to effectively manage the resource, not destroy it. The states already know that not everybody will want to harvest lake trout and that is always factored into the management planing. I plan to catch as many as I can, legally, and eat all I catch. Life is good.