Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
How many of you have damaged props? I keep a close eye on mine and make sure I don't get to close to the bottom. A damaged prop can really put alot of vibration into your lower unit and over a period of time can cause bearing failure and crack the lower units housing. Little dings can be filed out carefully without taking away any of the props integrity, but if it has significant damage, it would be worth putting it into a prop shop or replace it as soon as possible. A prop shop will restore it to its original spec's. Also, another issue I have seen on several occasions is the prop not properly seated. More vibration issues. I have informed some other boaters about this because I have spotted it. The lock tab for the prop nut tends to get offset while tightening the nut. This is where you have to pay attention that it is seating while you tighten down. If you have a flat locking tab, the nut will seat ok, but some tabs are designed for the nut to fit inside it. These are the ones that throw things out of whack. Whenever I bought a used boat or motor, this is an area I like to pay attention to. Always make sure your prop is secure and take a look at the nut. Even if a shop does some work in the area of your prop. They get them offset too.