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I would negotiate for as long as it took....................for the seal team to devise a plan and get into position.fencing
Since our Navy is sitting right there, I say blow them out of the water. Unfortunately we have to run the risk of loosing an American life but this would get the message across. They usually don't have mercy on us. We Americans are targets worldwide. If we don't respond, it means they got what they wanted. I am Pro-American & believe in our military force. Politicians need to step out of the way and let them do their job.
I agree with dlm. Negotiate and get a plan in place, then go in and catch them off guard. We will win either way. They have not made any demands yet that are on a time line.
What the hell are they waiting for? These pirates are only hanging onto a bartering tool. They have had the oportunity to nagotiate. If their let go, guess what, thats right, they come back and do it again. They are killing people. If you were on a ship and they boarded, you happen to kill one of them protecting yourself, you will face extradition & put on trial for murder. Seems like it only works in one direction and not the other. Don't forget, this not the only ship they've pirated.
What the hell are they waiting for? These pirates are only hanging onto a bartering tool. They have had the oportunity to nagotiate. If their let go, guess what, thats right, they come back and do it again. They are killing people. If you were on a ship and they boarded, you happen to kill one of them protecting yourself, you will face extradition & put on trial for murder. Seems like it only works in one direction and not the other. Don't forget, this not the only ship they've pirated.
By the way, the SEALS are in place with a plan, they have been. Politcians are in the way.
The problem is that their are over 200 hostages being held from other countries. So as long as we wait they live. The real problem is that something should have been done a long time ago. But knowbody did a thing and they just hoped it would go away. This is just another sign that the U.N. is a useless piece of crap. This is a tough one. I think after so much time we should turn the tables real fast and tell the Pirates they are the hostage. and we plan on ending this game. A drone plane here a drone plane there. Warships swarming the area then pop up 2-3 attack subs.
Sounds like they did a night rescue. With all the night vision our forces use, those pirates didn't even have a chance. Snipers at work. This will change how pirates will handle hostages, unfortunately for the worse. This will make Obama shine for the moment but its not going to change the way he visualizes the upgrades of our military forces. The F22 Raptor is the only Generation 5 aircraft built that this world has ever seen. Production is being stopped. Generation 6 is around the corner and that is unmanned arcraft. We are taking steps backwards. History always repeats itself.

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