Fuel Prices???

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Salt Lake City, UTAH
With the annual Spring Fling Derby around the corner and folks coming in from all over the west I figured it might be helpful if everyone could pitch in and post the latest or cheapest fuel prices at or around the Gorge

Dutch John
Cedar Springs

Green River
Rock Springs
Mountain View
Fort Bridger
Great Idea. I have always found the cheapest in Evanston at the Maverik and the Maverik in MountainView. Then if you have a Maverik Card it's 2 cents off posted price.
I always try and fill up or top off at either Evanston or Mountain view. Depends on where I am staying on each paticular trip. Use the old Mavrick card helps also like Rob said. Doesnt hurt to take an extra couple gas cans from home filled up or fill them up with you when you stop as so that you have enough and dont need to pay the extra up there.
Cheaper than down here. Good to here. take the boat empty. We neeed to get someone up that way or someone going through to do a weekly up date of fuel prices. Maybe we could do it on a sticky or something. Propnut?
The Gas Star in Manila was just as cheap, or cheaper, than Evanston or Mt View last year. I usually fill the boat up there because they seem to always be very competitive.
Gas Prices

Prices on tues the 5th were about 13 cents a gallon cheaper in Mt View than at the Gas Star in Manila
The Gas Star in Manila was just as cheap, or cheaper, than Evanston or Mt View last year. I usually fill the boat up there because they seem to always be very competitive.
i wouldnt put that gas star crap in one of my vehicles ever again i have been throw 2 injector pumps and you should fill up a gas can and see all the **** in the gas it's bad and doesnt run for **** i wont spend my money in manila any were for gas it's cheaper and safer to drag my boat to GR and fill it up. when i go to town i allways take a few cans and just bring home 20gal each time.
the hub is a joke all there tanks are surounded by water and most of the time you cant get a reciept and if you want to have boat problems it would be a great place to get the worst gas in town.
I Was just broke down on the lake this last week and guess what it was???? Water in the gas!!!! you should of seen the crap i pumped out of the tank. I think i will do like ash and fuel some tanks on my way home from work!!
That really surprises me to hear that about Gas Star, Ash. I used it a ton last year and never had a single problem (and my old boat is pretty tempermental). Thanks for the warning though. I'm staying up near Buckboard this year, so Green River is closer for me anyways.
There's that state line store outside of Manila going towards Lucerne. I have gased up there before with no problems. I think its a Sinclair. I'll be sure not to gas up in Manila.
that would be the mustang or most know it as the hub there tanks are under ground in big open holes that are suronded by water not a good thing.90%time you cant even get the damn pumps to work. oh sorry i just got my ass chewed by the old laidy lol she works there thay got new pumps so maybe you can get a recipt or even get them to work lol doesnt solve the water prob.

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