Help us take a veteran fishing in August

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2008
Mormon Mecca
I know that some of y’all do not check in on ‘that other fishing forum,’ so I thought I might mention here that we are in the process of putting together an event in August to take some disabled veterans fishing at Soldier Creek. The date is August 8 (Saturday) and is a joint effort with the VA Hospital in SLC.

The thing is, we need some help with boat donations, food preparations, collecting donations from vendors to give to the troops, and money donations to cover the Pavilion rental at Soldier Creek. If you need further information on this event, you can find it on ‘the other site’ or just PM me and I’ll send you the links.

I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday in August than taking a disabled veteran fishing. Can you? Please give us a hand if you can. I know the veterans will appreciate it.

Thanks for listening.
dubob I wish i lived closer . If you pm me the other site I will make a $$$ donation to a very good cause. We need to acknowledge those who protect our freedom thumbsupthumbsup. Thanks for posting this info ..

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