Paulina Lake 5/27

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
First time out for kokes this year. Access to the public launch just opened up last week due to snow, but the dock isn't in yet. Camp host just got there today, so things are looking up. We limited out in less than 2 hours. The plan was to troll to the East end, then jig. Never got to jig though, as the trolling was producing with even a few doubles. Fished up high around 20', but let alot of small ones go and went down in search of something larger. Ended up catching them as far down as 55'. The size got around a couple inches bigger. It was pretty consistent even though we got up there after the morning bite. Kokanee special scent did good, and garlic dyed pink Both had anise plus added, and a sprinkle of pure sugar. Picked up most fish doing speed changes. All fish caught long lined with UV dodger's. Every Apex we used today produced fish, with hook set-backs of around 3". It was a great day, sunny with no wind and snow capped peaks!
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Love that lake...

That is the most beautiful place to spend the day wetting a line, early in the year is my most favorite time up there. The place is just awesome... congratulation on a great day on the water. The only thing about that place is the BEARS...I myself have never camped up there, but have fished it like a maniac. Camp at Wickiup and make the daily drive.

Thanks for the report SB. Hopefully the fish will go on the feed and gain some weight. They still are the best eating kokanee in the state IMHO.
That is the most beautiful place to spend the day wetting a line, early in the year is my most favorite time up there. The place is just awesome... congratulation on a great day on the water. The only thing about that place is the BEARS...I myself have never camped up there, but have fished it like a maniac. Camp at Wickiup and make the daily drive.


I've heard about the bears up that way, but haven't ran into any yet. One day last year on the way up the road we counted 17 deer though. Had to wait for a few to move so we could get the boat in the water that morning!
silver bullets how big were those kokes,, i am heading back to ct to fish kokes first week of june hope to do well

Their running a bit smaller so far this year. We were getting them between 10-12". Normal years starting out their in the 12-14" range. Last season I noticed jigging off the bottom got us into larger fish, so will try that out next time. Good luck fishing CT in June!thumbsup

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