Literally Skunked 7-19-2009

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Here's a late report. My wife and I went to the gorge sunday the 19th. During our travels to the lake, as I came around a turn & crossed a small bridge in Lonetree, Wyoming, there was a fresh killed skunk laying in the middle of road. Well, needless to say, I pancaked it some more. I couldn't avoid it that it happened to fast. We get a couple of miles down the road, a cow elk decided to appear out of nowhere. :eek: Made it thru that one with the exception of heart failure. Getting to old for this sh#$. Maybe the elk smelled the smell on my truck and decided to avoid hitting it. laugh hyst Finally made it to the gorge in one piece, skunk smell included. After launching boat, found a parking stall right in the middle of all these trucks in parking lot. What's a better way to share a little skunk juice with everyone. laugh hyst Fished mostly the pipeline area and south of there. My fishfinder appeared to have taken a dump again. Not marking any fish. So much debris floating in water that my transducer took a hit somewhere. Fished at depths from 35-50ft and staying with the circus of other boats pounding away in circles. I'm blind without my finder. My wifes rod took a big hit. Before she could get her hands on it, she lost whatever it was, as a matter of fact, she lost everything including the dodger with squid. That was the only hit all day. Suspect a laker thief. When I ran over that skunk, I should have turned around and went back home. That was telling me the type of day that was instore for me. crymeariver Thats my story of being 'Literally Skunked'.
So, Roger, is it true? Is the worst day fishing better than the best day of work? laugh hyst
Tough day at BedRock! On the bright side fishing can only get better from there!
if you would have went to skunk cliffs you would have hasd a real skunky day that sucks the fish was poor that is all i have really seen this yr there was 2 cali !$@%^#%&%$ doiong well on vances gear yesterday. iwas going to try this morning but little man has swim lessons in mt view so i had to do that one more day and we can fish during the weekday. better luck next time buddy. if you would have got the elk you could have taken some meat home at leastlaugh hyst

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