Porcupine July 19, 2017

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Jul 26, 2008
Mormon Mecca
Took a friend up there with the new ride and launched at the back launch. Damn - that was a ruff drive in that far. It was ruff enough that it caused the 2 front lag screws holding the port side, side guide boards on to back all the way out. Didn't notice it until we pulled the boat out. Took out one bolt from the other side of the trailer and used it to secure the loose board back in place for the trip home. I'm going to have to put in some lock washers all the way around and remember in the future to check them for tightness before attempting that trip in the future.

We had a decent day fishing with my friend out catching me by at about 2 to 1. We ended up with 11 kokes in the box and he had 7 to my 4. However, I did catch my largest koke to date from Porcupine - a fat 14 incher. We had 2 others at over 13" as well. And the rest came in at 9" to 12". My friend introduced me to a new piece of equipment that I'm going to have to buy; a water temp tester that hooks to the DR weight and is lowered to give readings ever 5 feet. It told us that the preferred temperature for kokanee salmon (54 degrees) was at between 40 and 45 feet. And most of the fish marks were showing between 40 and 55 feet. We set all 4 DRs at 40 to 45 and it seemed to work.

We did have to change lure colors to find out what they were hitting and it turned out to be an orange/white squid tipped with green Gulp Alive maggots. The pink ones would not produce and the main reason he out produced me. I started with pink and he had 4 in the box before I decided that green would be a better option for me. I'm a slow learner sometimes.

I had no problems launching my new ThunderJet at the back launch other than the 2 lost lag screws. But that ruff road is tougher on the heavier ThunderJet than it was on my old 16 ft Tracker. Really need to go slower in the future.
I was up there Saturday we put 12 in the cooler. Lost at least thatathat any more. Launched at first launch thinking there would be a ton of people camping at the back. Not one but when we left there where tallest 5p kayakers at the back launch