For all of you who are bummed out becuase your spouse said you could not go fishing this weekend. Give them a big kiss and say thank you. Don't get me wrong here, we did manage 27 fish for a day and a half, but in comparision to the 42 fish weekend 2 weeks ago, it sucked. We did see more fish this time than last but they had a case of lockjaw like I've never seen. I threw everything in the boat at them and almost threw the wife also but thought that was not a good idea if I wanted to keep going for the next few weeks. The ones we caught were nothing special 2.5 - 3.5 and did I mention the big 4 incher we caught. On a good note, the wind got tired after Fridays blow and never showed up again all weekend. I talked with Kyle Edwards at the cleaning station on our way out and he figured them out about a week ago. For those of you who know what to do for fall kokanee tactics, that what is working now. He caught 32 and lost 14 this morning. Next time look out. I did change some tactics today except for speed because I was still using some squids on other poles so I didn't want to go too fast. Spoons and speed will be the ticket for the rest of the season I'm thinking. I'll post a few pictures later.