first Kokanee at flaming gorge

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2013
Salt Lake
Wed. got are first and only big laker at about 8:30 the guy that hooked him, I said I think you got a 40 lbs., boy was it a fighter it was hard to get him off the bottom then he would dive about 3 times and go under the boat I was trying to get the boat a way from him. then when he came up he was only 26 lbs.

then went looking for kokanee made stops all the way up past the ranch house and I could not find any ended up catching 2 rainbows.

Thur. 3 of us was staying at this guys house I told him we could eat on the boat but he did not like that so he cooked for us and I told him Lakers stop biting at 9AM
we were late getting on the water, was about 6 boats trying to catch the same Lakers most of us was trolling. I was afraid I would cut some ones line did not seem to bother them they would cut in front to get to them so I moved there was no other lakers

so went after kokanee, had two other spots to try the first one. no Kokanee the next place we got in to them we got 12 kokanee 14 to 16" in about 1 and a half hours maybe less was catching three at a time it was neat first we started catching them at 23 feet they started moving down and north, so we stayed with them and wend down with are down riggers the last one we got was at 45 feet. we lost about 5 and got two rainbows

fun way to end the day.
Sounds like a good trip. I have not fished for kokes this year yet but I plan on trying for them the next trip up. Thanks for the report.