A Trip to Remember

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
I left Ogden wed am bound for Sacramento. I get about 10min from my home traveling south on I-15 and already came to a dead stop. After stop & go, came upon a rolled over urban assault tank(SUV). The approx 15min delay allowed more morning commuters to hit the roads. Got to Salt Lake City in heavy traffic without any more delays and got onto west bound I-80. Heavy fog from SLC to Wells, Nevada made travel slower than normal but after that it was clear sailing all the way into Reno. Weather reports was to be lousy throughout Nevada. I finally ran into heavy snow west of Reno. At the state line Nevada/Calif, traffic was being turned back to Reno. I-80 closed going over Donner Summit at Nyack for accidents. Sounds familiar. Was looking fwd to a snack at the summit, after all, conditions were favorable. laugh hyst Picked up Hi395 south to Carson City, US50 to S Lake Tahoe. By now there were heavy snows enroute to Tahoe but stopped by the time I got there. By the time I get to Myers, snow fall was heavy again with a long group of vehicles heading west. One young lady(SUV, sound familiar) making a right turn in front of me caused me to brake and slide. She backed off noticing the slide but didn't bother her at the least to flip me off. :mad: WOW, I'm back in Calif. I wasn't so much concerned with her safety as I was with mine, my wifes, and my dog. Roadrage doesn't belong out there under these conditions. Finally was able to move along but white out conditions made the trip at this point very slow until I got just east of ******* Pines. There, the snow changed over to rain, a welcome sight. Arrived in Sacramento safely. After a normal 10hr trip during good weather, this trip took 14hrs. I am now ready for the ISE and few beers with good friends. I hope the trip back sunday is better.
Looks like the weather here on Sunday to be the best all weekend. Have a safe trip home and leave the roadrage behind. Now that you have been provided a free local weather report, how bout picking something up for me at the ISE?
I'm meeting Roger and his son in about 20 minutes for breakfast and then we are headed to the show. I've made my list and checked it twice. I even snuck over to the ATM to get my spending money when the wife wasn't looking. Will post pictures of the booty later!!

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