Most pain you've ever experienced?

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Jan 22, 2009
What's the most painful thing you've experienced in your life so far? (Physically) Up until this last year, food poisoning was the one thing I wished I would die from so it would be over. Well, that slipped to #2 on my list after having to have a prostate biopsy this past year. Next week is a 6 month follow up and I'm already puckered up and forming beads of sweat.

Thought this might make an interesting guys topic of "what hurt the most".
I've broken my left radius and ulna (both bones in fore arm) twice, my right one once. Most of my fingers have been broken, dislocated, or hyper-extended. Cracked a couple ribs, broke my right leg twice, second time was compound and took a couple surgeries, various metal bits and 40 some stitches to repair. All these were during consciousness and except one, sobriety. A crushed finger tip is up there with the worst pain.

Glad I'm not a woman, childbirth scares the hell out of me.
I've broken my left radius and ulna (both bones in fore arm) twice, my right one once. Most of my fingers have been broken, dislocated, or hyper-extended. Cracked a couple ribs, broke my right leg twice, second time was compound and took a couple surgeries, various metal bits and 40 some stitches to repair. All these were during consciousness and except one, sobriety. A crushed finger tip is up there with the worst pain.

Glad I'm not a woman, childbirth scares the hell out of me.

Okay, so you are from Canada, what, are you a hockey player? laugh hyst
A 36yr pain in the a$$. That what working for uncle Sam does and nothing is getting any better. 101thumbsdown101
I've suffered multiple broken bones over the years and some hurt worse than others. By far and away, a bad toothache always topped these broken bones for me. I always thought that the toothache was at the top of the heap when it comes to pain. I found out the hard way that I was wrong. About two years ago, I did a little stunt off of the back of a horse and tore my ACL and my MCL and ruptured my muniscus. The pain was so great that it literally made my vision go blank. I never lost conciousness but I did lose my sight temporarally until the pain slacked up a little and I could stabilize my mind. At this point I was convinced that this was as bad as pain could get, for a guy at least, and since I could tough this out, there wasn't much of anything I couldn't endure. Wrong!!! Even as bad as that knee hurt when I tore it all up, it was nothing compared to the kidney stone I passed a mere 4 months later while working in the wind tower fields. According to the doctor that treated me, his female patients all confirmed that this pain was a good bit worse than childbirth. Don't know, don't care, and don't ever want to relive that pain again. I folded up like a little girl and puked my guts out. Being as where I was, it took over an hour for the ambulance to get to me, and I promise that it was one long hour. I never thought that I could experience pain that I couldn't gain control over with enough effort, now I know better. The really embarassing part came when I got to see before my very eyes how tiny this little stone that felt like it was killing me was. If any of you ever experience this for yourselves, if you can't get to a doctor immediately I did discover that soaking in hot water in a tub relieves a lot of the pain. I found this out every time I thought I could tough it out and not take the pain killers on time and was suddenly reminded of just how much pain this is.
A 36yr pain in the a$$. That what working for uncle Sam does and nothing is getting any better. 101thumbsdown101

Seriously, I've had a couple of broken toes, a broken arm, several sprained ankles, wrists but I think the athritis I have right now in my knees and shoulders tops anything else I have had. Been going in once a week for an injection in both knees and that is a painful experience by itself. Getting 5 injections of Hyalgen in each knee and I'm up to no#3. 101surrender101 Had same procedure last summer which it help me make through the winter and winters are my worst enemy. Have a bone spur in the left shoulder which has been limiting mobility somewhat. Need surgery but can hold off until after fishing season.
I have been broken,bruised,bloody. beaten and left for dead.But the worse pain I have ever experienced was last month when I got a urinary tract infection. I was in all most unbearable pain for about four days. It was like trying to pee liquid fire. Half my brain was telling I had to go,cuz it hurt bad to hold it. The other half of my brain was telling me not to go ,cut it hurt to bad to pee. My doc told me that as a rule men don't get uti's that often,but when they do it is very,very painful.
I'll have to agree withTim on this on i had 3 uTI'S in a year and ended up in the ER once and i thought i was going to die.101surrender101crymeariver101thumbsdown101
I had a knife go 3 1/2 inches in my leg. That was pretty painful! Well, not until the next day as I was in shock. When I tried to walk, that was another story.
I would have to say the fiberatomy (sp-cutting the teeth tendons) after having braces so the teeth would not go crooked again. This comming from the guy that crushed his L5 vertibre among other broken bones. LIL101goodpost101
In 1980, I fell out of a Redwood and broke both wrists, dislocated one shoulder and one hip and shattered both knee caps, that hurt.
In 1985, I hit by a basket ball size rock while falling a Redwood. Broke every rib on the right side and one vertebrae, then fell 100' down the cliff and dislocated my shoulder again, that hurt.
3 years ago I had both knee joints replaced, that really hurt. Last year I had my right ankle fused, that hurt, but not to bad.
Recently I just I had 4 knuckles in my left had replaced and had rotor cuff surgery on the other shoulder, that still hurts.
Wow, Skyhammer, you really know how to do yourself up right. Didn't anyone ever tell you that logging was a dangerous sport? 101duh101 My grandad was a logger and for a while my father was too, but Dad realized just how dangerous it was and how many of the older men he knew that had been seriously injured while working in the woods so he got out of it. I'm glad he did get out or else I would probably have been in it too. Good luck with all of your healing, I wish you well.
I.) My first marriage!

II.) ATV Accident drove a branch through my leg then it got some flesh eating infecting & nearly lost my leg. The experimental treatment they used to treat the infection consisted of leaving my leg splayed open from my knee to my ankle and I had to smear some type of acid based paste on it 3x a day for 9 months.
Two very close together

Kidney stone would have to be my #1. My bride confirms they are worse than childbirth after having 2 kids and passing 4 stones. My #2 would be the time I had a massive dislocation of my left ankle. I needed 2 surgeries on it about 3 days apart. During the second surgery the doctor decided he should find out how bad the dislocation really was and moved the foot in all directions while holding the leg firmly in place. As I was coming awake afterward, I remember thinking they should shut the person up that was doing all the screaming. Then I found out that person was me. And they couldn’t give me any pain meds until I was conscious. That was not fun.
A ruptured L5-S1 caused such pain that I could barely walk. Just getting the car to go to the emergency room made my eyes water. I remember thinking out lovely the drugs were when they finally kicked in and I could relax a little. There was another time that I had and infection in my cheek from being in a car wreck 3 weeks earlier. The doctor was late for a plane and I was his third emergency so he did not have time to numb me up before removing the stitches and ripping the cut open releasing about a 1/4 cup of puss from my face. That hurt.

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