Finally the Gorge

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
It can rain all it wants, I'm finally headin' to the Gorge next week. The weather picture doesn't look that great this weekend but I'm dragging my travel trailer up there and renting a storage space for the summer at Lucerne on Saturday. The following Wednesday, I'll be coming back up with boat in tow and let the fishing begin. This relieves alot of stress of taking a second vehicle and stress off of my wife who has a hard time driving for a 3hr trip. I can't wait.tooexcited 101ok101
let me know what that slip cost's. what about battery charging? I already been through the dead battery this year. I charged my two batterys all winter long, and boom. lauched the boat and click click. I know my first battery is 3 years old and my second is 1. so two new batterys this year, and I will put the newer one in the troiling motor battery compartment for back up. any one want to loan me some money for that new gps eletric troiling motor?violin
BB, sounds like you boiled out your batteries. You need a smart charger that shuts off when they are fully charged or a trickle charger.

Bduck was referring to a dry storage spot for his travel trailer. The boat slips are rented through the marina and rates range for, public dock with no power, public dock with power and private dock with power. This year I rented private dock for the week I'm there and I believe the rate was $20 a day.
sorry I did mean dry storage. I like the thought of leaving my boat up there for a month, month and a half. you can make such better travel time not hauling a boat. I hope I haven't boiled them out. I do have a fancy battery charger. I always 2A charge and never more than 8 hours. my charger trickles off and on when approaching full charge. Dang things run over 100.00 buckaroos. nice to know about the 20.00 a day for a slip though, I might have to look into that. I need to run 55 gallons of treated fuel out, so staying at the marina and traveling might serve me well.
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Although it would be nice to leave the boat in storage as well and save some gas, but I can't do without my boat for some of the local trips I make around my area. I will post on storage fees when I get back.
It can rain all it wants, I'm finally headin' to the Gorge next week. The weather picture doesn't look that great this weekend but I'm dragging my travel trailer up there and renting a storage space for the summer at Lucerne on Saturday. The following Wednesday, I'll be coming back up with boat in tow and let the fishing begin. This relieves alot of stress of taking a second vehicle and stress off of my wife who has a hard time driving for a 3hr trip. I can't wait.tooexcited 101ok101

Bduck, I will be coming in there with my wife and oldest son and his wife, on Saturday, June 5th and staying a week at Lucerne in one of the floating cabins. If I see your boat I will say howdy or if you see mine, green/silver Rogue Jet Coastal 22, give me a shout.
First time at the gorge and really excited about it.

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