Bone Chilling

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
I just returned from the Gorge putting my trailer in dry storage. On the way up had one small brief shower. After getting to Lucerne, you can tell the white caps on the lake, the fog rolled in and the winter scene was upon us. After dropping off the trailer, when I got back to the Wyoming side, it was close to whiteout conditions. Just think, I'm heading up there next Wednesday for about 5days to see how much I can freeze my a$$ off. I sure like to get one RAY of hope during that time. Typical Gorge weather.
bone chilling

Winter is hanging on with a vengeance this year...everything is 3-4 weeks late
here in Calif as well although not as wild as Wyo!....I think the Gorge will be
in prime shape by mid June.....all that water last year means alot of feed...
Be patient........
Roger; turn up the heat when you get their..we will be up on the 27th and all I want is 3hr a day of good weather and101chromefish101signfishin
Roger; turn up the heat when you get their..we will be up on the 27th and all I want is 3hr a day of good weather and101chromefish101signfishin

Yea, we'll have to hook up. Don't need heat when I have plenty of anti-freeze. Do you? 101cheers101
Just think Rog, another 5 months and winter will actually be back and we can put everything away again. Opps, you were looking for a ray of sunshine, sorry. I'll send you a picture of the sun from Hawaii, when the wife and I go over this year. Cheers. You and Dave tip one for me next week when you get up there.laugh hyst
Its been simply crazy weather around here as of late. I can see things being really behind this year for the gorge and not getting really any better for a day or two. Seems we just get something going and WHAM. we get smacked down again.
Just think Rog, another 5 months and winter will actually be back and we can put everything away again. Opps, you were looking for a ray of sunshine, sorry. I'll send you a picture of the sun from Hawaii, when the wife and I go over this year. Cheers. You and Dave tip one for me next week when you get up there.laugh hyst

Hawaii???? There's no kokes in Hawaii. If this crazy weather keeps up, shouldn't have to bring things out of monthballs. Saw the forecast this morning and some parts of Utah is going to receive 8-11" of snow, but the good news is its clearing out for a few days.
The ice just came off the lake here in Jackson on Sat. We fished in the snow like a bunch of idiots. I had to use the GPS to find the boat ramp it was snowing so hard. Then on Sunday it was 21 degrees....21 !!! I thought this was May. Someone make wnter go away...Please !
Its been simply crazy weather around here as of late. I can see things being really behind this year for the gorge and not getting really any better for a day or two. Seems we just get something going and WHAM. we get smacked down again.

do you think the gorge will be the same as last year; murky,with run off and the lake level climbing a foot every day. this was on july 4th when I was up there last.
That's funny BB, I moved my trip out 2 weeks later than last year because I wasn't happy and this year the weather is a month late. I guess that will make me 2 weeks more unhappy than last year.
I would like to hit it before the lake really takes off rising. last year the water was raising so fast it thru the fishing off during the early summer. All I did was read about all the excitement and success before july, and when I get up there it was like May all over again. Things will be different now, that I don't have to run down to Phoenix for graduation's(last year). I'm paying close attention this year to my fellow kkf buds for there success, so I might get a little bit of leftovers.
Roger, you need to clear of this weather before I arrive. But if it stays I will be used to it, we had a fishing derby at Ice House this weekend and it snowed most of the time! Welcome to California!
Roger, you need to clear of this weather before I arrive. But if it stays I will be used to it, we had a fishing derby at Ice House this weekend and it snowed most of the time! Welcome to California!

Mike, Utah has 3 seasons-July, August, & winter. Dress warm! 101no101
We'll be OK Dave. I figure we'll hit that one month window for summer pretty nicely. Summer arrives at the end of the first week of July and leaves after the first week of August so July the 7th looks mighty fine. The water should clear up the week before! thumbsup
Bduck, holy toledo, I've been trying to get ready to head up to Strawberry, now the ice is off. Two days of boat prep will do it! This weather can't keep this up much longer

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