Whatsup @ Wickiup?

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John Ward

Active member
Jun 6, 2009
Haven't heard any recent Wickiup reports. Last yr we did very well there in mid July on kokes from 17" to 20". Hoping for a repeat. Maybe too early?

The fishing has been very very slow. The fish have been scattered and all through the water column due to our very cool spring and early summer. I think with this warmer weather, the fish should start to school and move into deeper water. I am plan to fish Thursday evening and will report what I find.
I fished last night from 5:30 to about 8:30. Again I had trouble finding fish, but finally figured out they are all pretty much glued to the bottom. Very few suspended schools were marked. I ended up fishing with a short set-back and about 4 feet off the bottom. Had probably 10 bites but only landed two. Sling blade with a flame orange wiggle hoochie got most of the hits. A few hits came on pee wee flame orange hoochie or a R&K hoochie behind a 000 dodger.

The fish are smaller than last year. Most fish are 13-14" with some 16+.
FRG, thanks for the report. If most fish were on the bottom, did you try any jigging?
I agree with Fallriver... I did much better than most. In fact the only other person that I saw catch more than one koke was Oscar. Just got back from Wickiup Monday. Fished last Wednesday thru Sunday. Caught about 10 fish per day in the Deschutes River Wedn and Thur, including a couple each day in the 17+ range. Wasted some time out in the main body of the lake on Thur searching for something better. Didn't exist. Started fishing Fri morning in the river again. Fish seemed to have moved out. Went out into the lake and found some, ten again, then 8 on Sat and another 8 on Sunday. Also caught a couple of nice browns, 20 1/2 and 22 1/2 on Fri eve, 21 1/2 on Sat eve and 23 on Sun eve. Could not believe how big and fat the browns were !! Caught some like these on the opener that were not much more than snakes.
Fished all day Sat and Sun morn. Caught about 10 kokes each day, mostly 14 inchers, few going th 17 inch route. Males starting to get a little hook nose going. Tried for browns Sat night, nothing,,,,,maybe the full moon? Lake is looking much better than 2 weeks ago when I was there, less algae. Temp still running 70 degrees plus.

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