You know you are getting old when....

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Jan 22, 2009
Seems like more frequently things keep happening that remind us we are getting older. Thought you guys might have some experiences to share. This weekend I was wrestling with my shoe to get it on my foot and I pulled a muscle in my rib cage. I guess I need to start shopping for "slip on" shoes.
I use a pair of ramps for loading heavy items on the back of truck. I just loaded my generator and when I came half way down the ramp like I was some kid, I slipped and hit on the left cheek of my a$$ and bounced on to the ground that was covered in gravel and managed to land on the biggest stone that left an everlasting impression in my arm along with some skin scraped back. I crawled over to my boat trailer and rested my head on my arms waiting for the pain to disipate. crymeariver A bruise stayed with me for a few days along with the soarness on my cheek. I keep reminding myself that I'm not young anymore. When younger I was able to shrug things off like this. Plus getting older I've gained my fair share of unwanted weight. That old saying that goes, 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall'. Well those saying make a believer out of you. And the fact that it is TRUE. laugh hyst
Cant remember S@@T!

I got lost going to the Doctors office.... 2 miles from the house.

Somehow Happy Hour has turned into Nap Time! Its the most exciting time of the day!

Cant find anything, wheres the D%*M Car keys....where did I park the car?

Cant hear anything, ....sometimes its a good thing I cant!

Cant see things clearly......Unless it something to do with fishing , then everything works much better!

My Dad always called this the "Golden Years"! Now I know what he ment!

Theres a lot more but I cant remember .........

Kokonuts....laugh hyst
You know you're getting old

When you troll for an hour with hook-protectors on your lure.

When you travel most of the way down the lake before you remember the bait is still in the truck.

When you forget to put the lanyard key on the engine stop switch and crank it for awhile before remembering.

When you forget to remove the boat tie-downs and float the trailer trying to get the boat off.

When your wife asks which end of the dodger goes on top and you can't remember.