DownRigger Set Back?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Whats the average set back you use on your DR I have long lined it before but most seam to be really close like with in 20ft I have heard guys that use the black box have to keep there lures that close to make it effective. My self I am always worried about boat noise spooking the fish so i set back 50 or more is that overkill?
I'd have to say that I am well beyond the 50 foot back mark. While Petty, Basseater and I were fishing the Villa derby, we were laughing at how far back some of the Kokes were jumping out of the water. I too believe that the motor noise has an effect on the fish if you were to only have the lure a few feet back. Although I watched a guy catch a lot of Kokes with his lure only about 25 feet behind the ball. He had some pop gear attached to the ball and his line stacked a couple feet above the ball and about 20 feet behind the pop gear. Seemed to work very well for him. It's all personal preference I guess.
Ya see thats what I am kinda getting at I really don't know if the boats do spook them I am positive in early spring they would be boat shy of course but later? Makes you wonder
I rarely go out alone so I'm usually running 4 lines, most of the time I set them back 50' to 100' with the shorter lines on the bottom. It helps to get enough distance to avoid tangles when turning.
For me how far back from the weight depends on two things. How far down I'm fishing,and what time of day it is. Early in the morning if I'm not long lining,I will put the weight down about 10-20 ft. When I do this I usually run my lures about 100ft off the weight. When the fish are this close to the surface I think that the boat is probable spooking them as it passes over . After the boat passes over them,I think the kokes will move back in behind the boat. With my lure this far back,it comes in behind the fish to give them a chance to hit the lure. Then bingo fish on!!!. I think that this is one reason, that I will catch fish without graphing them.As the day progresses and the fish are moving to deeper water I will make changes.

Secondly if I'm fishing deeper then say 40 ft,I will shorten up my lures. In the middle of the summer I will usually start with what I call a 50/50 split. 50 ft down ,50 ft behind the weight,and then will adjust accordingly. In late summer when the kokes are holding in deep water,I might start a little closer to the weight,then make adjustments as needed. I let the fish tell me what they want.
I second propnuts quote, depends on how deep I am. Anything deeper than 40 feet, I will drag lures 15-20ft behind dr ball. But like propnut also said, I let the fish tell me what they want.

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