Idaho: Permitless Carry

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Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Idaho: Permitless Carry Introduced in the Gem State

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

As of President’s Day, the Idaho Senate had introduced Senate Bill 1126 and assigned it to the State Affairs Committee. Commonly known as Permitless Carry legislation, this bill would amend the existing concealed carry law to allow law-abiding Idahoans to carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring an Idaho carry permit. The approval of this pivotal legislation would bode well for law-abiding citizens of Idaho who wish to protect not only themselves but family and friends alike.

In Idaho today it is generally legal to carry a firearm openly as long as one is at least 18 years of age and not prohibited from possessing a firearm. However, if the firearm becomes covered with a coat, or if a woman prefers to carry a firearm in her purse, one needs to possess a concealed carry permit. The intent of this legislation is to give honest people the greatest possible freedom to choose the best method of carry for them, based on attire, gender, and/or physical attributes.

Its too bad being an honest citizen that we vote these people into office that keep wanting to alter our 2nd ammendment rights across this country.
Wow, Bduck, that's awesome! I wish my state would do something like that. I've never felt the need to carry, and if I did, I'd probably prefer carrying exposed. But it sure would be nice if I didn't have to worry about it getting covered up by a coat that I put on if I were carrying it. If a person is a criminal, then they won't likely care about such laws, except they don't want them to pass. Laws against the 2nd only prevent the honest and law abiding from having their freedoms.

It sounds like there is hope in Idaho, I hope they get it passed before some loony liberal comes along and sucks the life out of it.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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