Ditch Bag do you have one? and whats in it?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Green River Wyo
I was looking a another about fishing the great lakes,and this subject came up. It might be helpful to get some thoughts on the subject.

As for me I do have a ditch bag,and I pray that I never need it.The old saying"hope for the best,but prepare for the worst" really comes into play . In my bag I have flare gun ,and flares,hand held GPS,signaling mirrors.waterproof matches first aid kit,,engery bars.

Because I fish a lot by my self,I always wear a self -inflating PFD. When I remember to do it,I clip the kill switch cord for my trolling motor to some where on my PFD. I would like top have a hand held VHF,thats something that would be useful.

Many times I have been on the gorge and hardly see a another boat with in eye sight. Most of the time I only have me to rely on. One thing about the gorge,because most of the lake is not overly wide.I think that if I had to ditch,I would be able to get my boat to shore first. But we all don't fish just the gorge either.

So tell what you have in your ditch bag,who knows it might makes a difference to someone one day.
The other thing that hurts you guys that frequent the gorge Tim is lack of Cell phone coverage. Most of the places that we fish down here, We have cell coverage. I also have a radio on my Boat. nice peace of mind to contact another boat to get you assistance. Thats one thing we dont have much of down here. some, but not alot.

Water Water everywhere but none to drink. Keep some water with you to drink. I have had Giarrdia twice. NOT FUN!. Did I also mention that it is NOT FUN. You dont wanty that crap! Keep some with you. Could easily be in the gorge for you guys Tim. Never thought of a ditch bag. Not a bad idea. I also will be getting me a PFD like you described soon.
Mark,you are so right about cell phone coverage on the gorge. Most of the time having a cell phone is useless. Another good point about fresh water.I don't want to drink the water from the gorge,you know what fish do in that water,haha
On the subject of your ditch bag, a couple of other goodies to have is a magnesium & flint stick, along with some double 00 steel wool. It is always water proof.
Iodine tablets.....makes any water safe to drink.
A pair of sock and perhaps some jersy gloves that are vacuum packed for watertightness.
A space blanket and some small diameter rope which can be used to make a makeshift shelter if needed.
A multi-tool like a Leatherman or Gerber. Has all the tools needed for quick use.
All of your ideas are good also in your vehicle, since you never know what kind of predictament you might find yourself in.
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