I will be looking forward to your pictures Don. Doubt I will be doing any close up on Ririe until I can float again, in clean water.
I will be real interested in size. I am hoping that the water gained in nutients from the spring run off resulting in more micro nutients. Bigger fish, maybe 20 " this coming summer. But bigger fish this winter will be a great indicator on whats to come.
I knew someone would ask....I've been at my house in Boise for the past few weeks. I need to get back up to the Mackay house soon and will check out the ice....and fishing. I can call my neighbor up there....she works for the FS and should know how the ice is forming.
Ririe is 100 foot deep. 32 degree water has to travel down to the bottom, cool the bottom to 32 degrees and then travel to the surface so the cold air can make ice. We're still a couple of weeks away but it comes on fast once it starts!
Seeing is believing on the size of the perch in the Mud. I never trust the Post Register for any report! fencing
Looks like the Mud has a big dose of herbicide in it. Drilled holes in several locations and there were no weeds on the bottom. Didn't see a fish either.