Let's talk Burgers!

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Oregon Forum MODERATOR
Mar 5, 2009
Silverton, Oregon
Okay, it was 65 degrees here today and that got me thinking about the old grill on the patio, and that got me thinking about thick juicy burgers, and that got me thinking about how to make a better burger.

So, what is your favorite spice or spices that you use when grilling up that famous burger of yours.

Or what is your favorite recipe.

You could even include your favorite top secret ingrediant, nobody here will tell..................
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My burger tastes vary but usually fall into one of 2 camps, pastrami cheese burger or mushroom and caramelized onion burger.

This is the pastrami burger.
Or what is your favorite recipe.

You could even include your favorite top secret ingrediant, nobody here will tell..................

David, somewhere I missed yours in your post. laugh hyst
my favorite is called an Otto burger. my friend makes them at the deer lease and does not tell us what he puts on them. they weigh close to 1#, so you need to bring an empty stomach to the table.
make two thinner patties instead of one thick one, put your cheese and other ingrediants BETWEEN the patties and pinch together, cook to taste and you wont ever cook them any other way...
My burger tastes vary but usually fall into one of 2 camps, pastrami cheese burger or mushroom and caramelized onion burger.

This is the pastrami burger.

101goodpost101Dave...you can't post a picture like that then leave us hanging. We want a recipe and we want it now!! tooexcited
88/12 hamburger, onion powder, garlic powder, salt & pepper. After the burger is flipped on the grill, add 3 - 4 slices of quality deli pastrami on top of the burgers. Last couple of minutes add a generous slice of colby jack cheese. The bun and condiments is limitless. This burger on a chabata roll is awesome though.
Check out Stufz.net I have one of these I have only used it once, but it does make killer burgers! They are huge, figure on 1/2 lb of meet for each burger.

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