2012 Boat Upgrades Input Sought

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Tahoe Whaler

Active member
Dec 24, 2010
Incline Village, NV
Time to spend $$ on 2012 fishing gear. My 13' Whaler has a X125 Lowrance Fishfinder and a Cannon Manual Downrigger. I've got about $600 in the fishing kitty and want to upgrade one of these items. Any suggestions??? Botttom line, I want to increase my catch!101chromefish101
How deep are you usually fishing at tahoe? If you have a manual downrigger, I'd invest in a couple used electrics which you could do with your current budget and have a little left over. I would also keep new electronics high on your list for the next time you have $600 to spend.

I fish Stampede, and Boca, very seldom Tahoe. Never gone deeper than 60'. Am I correct in interpreting your post that I would more likely increase my "catch" with upgraded fishfinder?
I'm saying the fish finder would be second on my list of upgrades. I've yet to see a fish finder that makes a fish bite. ;-) For me, having 2 electric downriggers that would enable me to put both my rods in the fish zone in an efficient manner would be my first priority. (Not knowing anything else about your boat and set up).
I would suggest if your present electronic can determine your trolling speed then go with down riggers if not, one of the most important tools to catch fish is your trolling speed
Thanks for the feedback and advice. I have been stacking two lines on my Cannon Downrigger but I'm still learning the process to keep from fouling lines. Right now I agree that getting both lures down would be more important than enhanced FF. Not having to crank a manual has appeal also.
Why not add another downrigger? With $600 in the budget you could go either elec or another manual. I rely on a handheld gps to give more accurate speed readings. Have a fun season.
I would do something like this a couple of used electrics on craigslist

[email protected]

This is what I have on my boat and they work great. Used quality gear is the way to go and I love my electric downriggers.

1+ on the electric downriggers,that way you can adjust depth quickly and stay on the fish,instead of just set a depth and forget it~coues