Hi guys, I am 23, I live in Idaho. My name is Curtis, I am a software engineer / game designer by day, and a fisher any time I have a chance!
I am just starting in the boating world and I was hoping I would be able to get some input from the pros, before I start spending a 'boatload' of money. *pun intended 101ok101
Attached are some pictures of the boat, and here are some basic specs on the engine
1978 Sea Swirl
It has a Red Line V-6 and is rated at 170 horse onboard motor, 18 feet long
It has been winterized and serviced for the past 4 years as well.
What I am wanting to do with it is obviously some trolling, but I am concerned about a few things.
1. Trolling itself... I guess I could always get a trolling plate but its a really powerful engine, but eventually I would like a trolling motor and not sure how I would go about attaching one since it doesn't have the transom and you can see the pictures of it yourself below.
2. Attaching a couple downriggers to it, if I am able to troll, and special recomendations on how to do this? Metal plating between the boat? Any suggestions are welcome.
3. Overall is this worth my time & my dime to troll in this boat?

I am just starting in the boating world and I was hoping I would be able to get some input from the pros, before I start spending a 'boatload' of money. *pun intended 101ok101
Attached are some pictures of the boat, and here are some basic specs on the engine
1978 Sea Swirl
It has a Red Line V-6 and is rated at 170 horse onboard motor, 18 feet long
It has been winterized and serviced for the past 4 years as well.
What I am wanting to do with it is obviously some trolling, but I am concerned about a few things.
1. Trolling itself... I guess I could always get a trolling plate but its a really powerful engine, but eventually I would like a trolling motor and not sure how I would go about attaching one since it doesn't have the transom and you can see the pictures of it yourself below.
2. Attaching a couple downriggers to it, if I am able to troll, and special recomendations on how to do this? Metal plating between the boat? Any suggestions are welcome.
3. Overall is this worth my time & my dime to troll in this boat?

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