prop line guard

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2013
Spokane WA
Thinking of adding a guard on my Yam t9.9 but am reluctant to drill holes in my motor. Have any of you seen a guard that would not require holes? I've seen cavitation plates that to not require holes so think this would be doable.
I've never seen anything that works for line. Most off the shelf guards work well for rocks and to some degree, downrigger cable.
I've never seen anything that works for line. Most off the shelf guards work well for rocks and to some degree, downrigger cable.

I seem to lose some line and a rig once in a great while. While protecting the prop from rocks, I had a stick to get lodged in between the guard & prop which was instant shutdown. It also plays a part in when a released fish does a suicide run to get chummed out. whistlersmother Ospreys, Eagles, and Gulls make sure of no waste. 101ok101
if you keep your line tight they will protect it but slack or feed your lure in or like bduck says a suicidal fish well they won't stop that, you might do a search on a weed guards they totally enclose the prop and may be more what you are looking for. dfly

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