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Jul 10, 2023
Hello! My husband and I recently moved to Idaho and are extremely happy to call this beautiful state our home! Thank you for having this fishing forum and all of the great posts from the community. We love spending time fishing especially for kokanee. Any tips you can send our way for best waters would be appreciated (without giving away your secret spots) and I am happy to post our successes (even the not so great fishing days) as well and even our favorite recipes. Good Luck out on the water! - Ingrid
I'm new here

Hi everyone,
I'm 67 and have lived in the Kooskia area for a whopping 7 months. My wife and I love it here!
I've caught 4 steelhead on the Southfork Clearwater in February and hoping for a few more of those in March and April.
I did some Kokanee fishing on the Shannon Reservoir in Skagit Co. WA, but am pretty much a novice. My technique has been trolling a hoochie, and I've caught some fish that way. Probably just lucky :)
I've got a 14' Port-a-bote and electric motor so I don't range far and wide.
From the sounds of it, the Kokanee in Dworshak are pretty similar to the Shannon in that they tend to be smaller, but I enjoy fishing for anything especially if it's tasty!
I look forward to reading the fish reports as the season gets going!
Oh, if anyone with a larger boat than mine and more knowledge than me needs a boat partner some time, Let me know!
Welcome Nels, looking fwd to your posts. 101welcomw I personally can't wait for the season to get going. Been doing a couple upgrades & preventative maintenance on my boat which is preventing cabin fever from setting in.
New here

Hi, I recently moved and I am grateful to have found this fishing forum which I hope will help me.
I really love to fish and I am glad that I found others with the same passion.
WELCOME Leonidas90 101welcomw There is a lot of good information that goes back a while. Dig in & enjoy. What territory are you chiming from?