Fg 6/17-21

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
We fished Flaming Gorge last week as well. We've been fishing it so much this year that they are all kind of running together... but once again we had a great time! We fished mostly in the Buckboard area for kokes, but also tried Anvil our last morning. Early in the week we found very fast fishing for kokes up to around 3.5 pounds. It was as fast as I've ever seen it. After a couple of days of fast fishing we started looking for bigger kokes. We found fewer numbers, but got some larger ones. Our top koke was around 4.5 pounds, and we caught quite a few that were 4 (or very close). It was a great trip and I can't wait to get up there again (probably next week). We even caught a few macs up to 8 lbs.

Top baits were pretty consistent. For numbers fishing the RMT UV hyper dodger trailed by a small pink RGT was a rig that we couldn't hardly keep in the water. Pink UV hoochies and serpent spoons trailing the same dodgers produced the bigger fish.

Here are a few pics...

Weston with a koke

One of my better kokes

Weston with another koke

A koke about to get netted
Few questions from a "Seeker of Larger Koke's"

Were the larger koke's caught at deeper depths? or with different lures? or both?

Were the fish in the Anvil area on average smaller than the fish at buckboard?

With the HOT weather finally here - were you seeing a lot of fish deeper (plus 40', 50', or 60').
We found the Larger fish to be right where all of the others were. The same Lures and such worked for all fish. I think the deepest we picked up a fisg was at 40 feet. and on Thursday and Friday, @5 to 27 was the magical depth.

Great report Brett. It was good to finally meet you,
good on ya Brett,nice to see someone getting some fast action. Everyone I talked to lately,my self included,has been having some real hit and miss fishing .

Lundman it had been my experience that as kokes start to school,the bigger males will be at the bottom of the school. It seems that even male fish like to protect their females. Even with the warmer weather ,we have been finding fish all through the water column,from 15ft - 40ft. I hope to hit the water sometime later in the week(wed/Thurs) .
Same to you Mark. It was great to meet you. Next time hopefully it will be more than a quick hello... but, with family waiting they come first. I'm sure you know how that goes.

We caught large kokes in with small ones, but actually found some new schools that seemed to have larger averages. In addition I think there are times when a larger bait means catching larger fish (although not always). Honestly Serpent Spoons have caught most of our hogs over the last couple of years. Apexes are second, but small RGT's are making headway this year. All good baits.

In short, if you're catching nothing but 3's... move on and find a school with bigger fish. Or stick it out and switch lures/depth. Some claim that the big males hang at the bottom of the group to protect the school... I've seen times when this holds true, and other times when it doesn't. We caught a 4.5# that was only down 15 feet a couple of weeks ago (we were actually stacking and it hit while I was getting rod #2 clipped in).
Yeah Wally, its been nice to be able to spend so much time up there this year. Probably headed up next week sometime too. Have you hit it lately?
Probably going out Friday and Saturday then I'll be done on the gorge for couple of weeks. Heading up to Alaska to play with a little bigger salmon and some halibut( hopefully the weather cooperates). If you do get back up good luck to you.
Probably going out Friday and Saturday then I'll be done on the gorge for couple of weeks. Heading up to Alaska to play with a little bigger salmon and some halibut( hopefully the weather cooperates). If you do get back up good luck to you.

Looking forward to your report Wally.movie
Have fun in Alaska, Wally! Take some pics for the forum... just because this is a kokanee site doesn't mean we dont want to see some of their cousins!

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