Utah Boaters

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Utah now has a questionaire that you can take a test online and get a certificate to display on your dash a the launch sites. Its an option to do this vs filling out the questionaire once at the launch on Aquatic Invasive Species. The online certificate will have to be redone at the end of the year but you won't have to fill out the one at the launch everytime you go to a lake. Here's the link, its 29 questions and you have to get 100%. If you miss any, it allows you to go back and retake those you missed. Good luck. http://wildlife.utah.gov/mussels/form_options.php
That was a PITA! Roger, you can make a bundle if you sell the answers. laugh hyst I think I'll laminate and frame it!
I copied this statment from the test. dose this mean I don't have to buy the wyoming sticker as long as I launch from the Utah side?

Flaming Gorge Reservoir, within the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, spans portions of Utah and Wyoming. Boat launches are controlled by the U.S. Forest Service and a recreation area fee is required, regardless of the state in which you launch. The U.S. Forest Service works with both Utah and Wyoming officials to routinely inspect launch ramps and to check boaters for compliance with aquatic invasive species laws. Wyoming enforces an Aquatic Invasive Species fee and has a decal requirement for boats that launch within Wyoming. Wyoming also encourages boaters to display a Self-Check Form in the launch vehicle, much like Utah's Decontamination Certification Form requirement.
Just my opinion but I'm not going to buy the Wyoming sticker. If I passed the obligation of the place where I've launched, I'm on the water.
Just my opinion but I'm not going to buy the Wyoming sticker. If I passed the obligation of the place where I've launched, I'm on the water.

Just stay on the Utah side,and you won't have to worry about it........ If you get caught in Wyoming waters with out the sticker. Be prepared to pay the fine.
Just stay on the Utah side,and you won't have to worry about it........ If you get caught in Wyoming waters with out the sticker. Be prepared to pay the fine.
I don't read it that way. The inspections and enforcement is at point of entry and exit.
This thread has the the potential of going on the oust as has a previous thread. Therefore, to get thru the interpretation of laws in these 2states and able to understand what they are saying, it is highly suggested each state office be contacted. These are the phone numbers: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources main office Salt Lake City 1-801-538-4700; Wyoming Game & Fish Department main office Cheyenne 1-877-943-3247 Learn and respect "all states laws". Its not that hard. I'm going FISHING and gonna enjoy the time of my life doing it.
Ok just love doing research when it comes to fishing; just not the regulation part of it. I got this straight from the wyoming DWR.

"Beginning May 17, 2010, you will be required to have an AIS decal on your watercraft before launching on or entering into Wyoming waters."

so the question is totaly answered. My pocket book is empty.

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