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Nov 18, 2020
Hello all,

I grew up fishing in Northern Idaho, now I live near Tacoma in Washington state. I have recently began lake fishing with my Colorado pontoon boat and trolling motor. I have been targeting kokanee all summer with very little luck but I am determined. I generally prefer to fish closer to home than travel to some of the larger lakes in central WA. However, I may take a trip this summer for a week and try to get into some bigger fish. I don't use a downrigger, only a line counter, 3oz lead ball, dodger, and hootchie. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Tight lines!
101welcomw bairfishin 101welcomw
Its been one of those seasons catching kokes. One day fishing is doing great and then little to nothing for a few days. My suggestion is get downriggers as the silver bullets go down deeper as the summer progresses. If not try a Dypsy Diver, Pink Lady, or a Jet Diver, these will help achieve the depths. Will be looking fwd to you posting your adventures. We enjoy pics very much.
101welcomw bairfishin 101welcomw
Its been one of those seasons catching kokes. One day fishing is doing great and then little to nothing for a few days. My suggestion is get downriggers as the silver bullets go down deeper as the summer progresses. If not try a Dypsy Diver, Pink Lady, or a Jet Diver, these will help achieve the depths. Will be looking fwd to you posting your adventures. We enjoy pics very much.

How do these divers work? Based on speed? Do you just let the amount of line out that you want to go down?
If you are following the depth and set back tables you are just as good as those devices with your 3 oz. weight. But you will never be as accurate as a downrigger. You get the added element on being able to see your weight on the graph to verify your depth. As Bduck mentioned, it was kind of a Covid year for Kokanee fishing this year. I know we had to work a lot harder this year for fewer hook ups. Lakes can also be pretty specific some times so the guys/gals on the Washington forum will certainly be a big help if any of them fish the same lakes that you ae fishing. Can you give us an idea what you drag for tackle as a typical set up?
If you are following the depth and set back tables you are just as good as those devices with your 3 oz. weight. But you will never be as accurate as a downrigger. You get the added element on being able to see your weight on the graph to verify your depth. As Bduck mentioned, it was kind of a Covid year for Kokanee fishing this year. I know we had to work a lot harder this year for fewer hook ups. Lakes can also be pretty specific some times so the guys/gals on the Washington forum will certainly be a big help if any of them fish the same lakes that you ae fishing. Can you give us an idea what you drag for tackle as a typical set up?

Yes, I'm using Mack's sling blade, on a three foot leader behind the 3 or 4 ounce weight, pink hootchie 8 inches behind the dodger. Also have used a wiggle hootchie. Using my own scented corn (garlic+blood tuna, garlic+fire cure, and garlic+koke scent+salt cure). Using 12lb mono on a 9'6" rod. I don't have a line counter reel yet, using the snap on type counter by Berkley.
Add a few other dodger styles to your arsenal such as a sling blade type. Also, play with your leader lengths a bit, 8" - 12" on the regular and micro hootchies. For your wiggle hootchies and Apexes, think somewhere between 20" - 30" leaders.
Add a few other dodger styles to your arsenal such as a sling blade type. Also, play with your leader lengths a bit, 8" - 12" on the regular and micro hootchies. For your wiggle hootchies and Apexes, think somewhere between 20" - 30" leaders.

I have three different colors of the sling blade. I have read that some people bend them slightly, haven't done that though. Good info on the wiggle hootchie leader length, I'll have to re-tie those.
Too bad uploading pics here has become a total PITA.

I just tested, and the upload works fine. Just click on the 'insert image' icon, select file from your computer and click upload. It doesn't work from the mobile though...
You might want to try a 1 or 2 oz weight with a 100’ set back, kokanee are more likely to hit what’s above them rather than what’s below.
You might want to try a 1 or 2 oz weight with a 100’ set back, kokanee are more likely to hit what’s above them rather than what’s below.

That gets him down to about 25’, the window that they are around that depth can be pretty short.
Welcome to the forum. I fished for kokanee years ago with a Colorado pontoon with a trolling motor. I had it set up with a make shift downrigger. If you know the depth they hang out at the lake you fish cut a piece of thin rope that length, attach some weight on the end with a release clip. I've caught fish with this method but it's a pita... best on calm days with no wind. A more manageable method with a pontoon is jigging.... way easier and more relaxing. Either anchor up or drift with a slight breeze lowering the jig to the depth they're showing on the fish finder. 101welcomw

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