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  1. Kokanee Kid

    3/27/2011 AMERICAN lake kokanee

    Right on 101ok101
  2. Kokanee Kid

    Riffe Lake?

    Be sure to keep an eye on the weather out there. The wind can kick up and things can get sloppy in a hurry.
  3. Kokanee Kid

    Riffe Lake?

    Same gear we use for kokes works great for the coho there! Wedding ring spinners, mini squid, and spoons all work good. As far as bait worms, white corn, shrimp, and gulp maggots all work too. Went quite a few times last year and had a blast and caught lots of fish thumbsup
  4. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake - 2011

    Right on bro thumbsup First kokes of the new year 101chromefish101
  5. Kokanee Kid


    You are not new, you have 1 season under your belt! Just listen to koke slayer and do what he does and you will be dialed in in no time. I'm just a hack who only fishes for the dumb ones thumbsup
  6. Kokanee Kid

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all!
  7. Kokanee Kid

    Needed: American Lake Info.

    Oh i see, you wan't info and yet you are guna put me on a list. Sounds like the info you might get is the what to use to catch trout nananana
  8. Kokanee Kid

    Needed: American Lake Info.

    That's cause you have never taken my kid and I out on Merwin 101smily101
  9. Kokanee Kid

    Needed: American Lake Info.

    PM sent with all of kokanee slayer and dbfield's top secret hot spot's and information 101ok101
  10. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake 10-02-10

    You da man 101ok101
  11. Kokanee Kid slows 9/21

    Thanks for the report, it's not over yet.
  12. Kokanee Kid

    First Kok in Lake Stevens

    That is awsome thumbsup Way to go getting thw kids out!!!
  13. Kokanee Kid

    Lake roosevelt kokanee fishing!!

    That's where our state record koke came from! Let us know how you do and good luck.
  14. Kokanee Kid

    Are You Done Yet?

    Lots of time signfishin
  15. Kokanee Kid

    Another American 9.11.2010 Report

    It was good to see all of you on the water. That 18 1/2" pig could of not been caught by a nicer guy! Way to go slayer thumbsup And I did not even know we had a "super moderator" on the water worthy12
  16. Kokanee Kid

    another good day 9/11/10 at Amer. Lk.

    Dang!!!!!!! I was there too, we could of had a party signfishin
  17. Kokanee Kid

    My name is Chuck and I am a koke head!!!! Day #5

    The skipper took me to school again. Maybe I should get the two pole license so I could try to keep up. We had another great day on the water, even tho last time out I lost his $60.00 net. That’s a my bad big time! I’m just glad no pigs were lost due to no net. Same bag of tricks worked, even...
  18. Kokanee Kid

    My name is Chuck and I am a koke head!!!! Day #5

    So I get a call for the fish wisperer late Friday night, he tells me he needs his first mate. I made a few phone calls to some other koke heads to set up a kokeoholic meeting. Meet up about 6:30 and load up and head straight to American again. What a view....... All ready on the water is "The...
  19. Kokanee Kid

    My name is Chuck and I am a koke head!!!!

    Fast forward to Thursday........sleep in and meet up with the fish wisperer at about 8:30. We head to American, start off with a doubble! Then the skipper starts outfishing the kid! After enough of him catcing fish and me waching, I decided to go to left field. I swiched to a lure that I have...
  20. Kokanee Kid

    My name is Chuck and I am a koke head!!!!

    Friday was a solo trip, except wanafish and kokanee slayer were on Clear lake too. Good to see you two!!The hot set-up for me was bahama-mama and pink uv squid with dna corn. Saturday, Clear lake again, the pink wedding ring was a winner! Took out my friend and his two year old. She did great...