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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
OK you kokanee hounds...who's called it a season yet? Where I fish I think I've got a couple more trips before it's time to winterize the boat...the kokes are still looking good here in this neck of the woods! How's it going where you guys fish?
I thought that the time was coming. From my trip yesterday, and the quality of fish, I will be out there again soon hopefully.

After Koke season is done, then I will be taking the boat out in the sound and chasing salmon.. The kids are asking to go perch fishing again.. Lukily, we have a while before the boat is put away!
I plan to start chasing fall Macks and Big Rainbows. I will be active until mid october, depending on the weather and then I am through. I plan on being at it again at Ice out in the spring this coming year. Same pattern , Macks and Bows switching to kokanee and back to Macks, and bows.
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SNAGGING SEASON??????????? What the F is that. Bad word in this part of thw woods. But it does sound fun.
I think it is done on this side of the hill, but I am trying to talk myself into running to Odell this Sunday. It's a three hour drive but there are fish at the end of it, probably my last chance for the season.
Started chasing bows & browns last week. Will do a little change up for cuts along the line somewhere. As long as the big W doesn't get superficial cold, sometimes you can make it here up to Thanksgiving. I've gone into the first week of December but that's happened only once. Looks like Friday or Saturday this weekend. golucky
I think I'm done. Hunting season is on me now so time to shift gears. Too many darn hobbies!!!


101goodpost101 So true redmanjr1. Fall is on it's way and the elk are calling me into the hills. Once I fill the freezer with venison and game birds. It's winter rod and lure building season until the ice off in the spring. thumbsup
With koke season close here,it's time to switch gears and go after the bows and browns. Just waiting for the water to cool down a little,and the algae to settle. I might even try to scare up a big mack this season,ya just never know.
We're done with Kokes for the year but will fish for Salmon, steelhead and Sturgeon all winter.

That's my plan as well. The first year I had the boat I put it up in the garage about three months. My wife gave me crap last year because I had in the garage for about 3 DAYS! I try to pull it in and do a once over - clean - maintenance and wax job in the winter months. But it was time to get back after it!
I'll get one more afternoon, getting frosty here at night, so I'll be in before sundown....
Since our Kokes have been done for a month and half in S.E. Idaho I'll start hitting the 2 year olds this weekend. Their growth has been huge for the last month as the larger fish dropped out of the food chain. Can't wait to ice fish for them all winter long! nananana

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