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  1. Kokanee Kid

    Time of year

    Just wait, they are coming........soon!
  2. Kokanee Kid

    Lets Get KPOW Started!

    Nonprofit handbook 215 pages Nonprofit board guide10 pages
  3. Kokanee Kid

    Lets Get KPOW Started!

    You have my info, let's do it!
  4. Kokanee Kid

    cold weather koke fishing

    Rogerdodger, wait 2 months. By then with a little good weather it will hopefull be on! It was last year, just wait. I wanna go too, but I know better. Yes a few could be caught now but it will be tough fishing. A few months that will all change.
  5. Kokanee Kid

    Time of year

    Same as you Toni, about 2 months to go signfishin
  6. Kokanee Kid

    Washington Kokanee Power

    Cushman has a awsome campground! And lot's of koke's, but they are small. You allready know about merwin, I wonder if camping is available at Fort lewis? They do have a campground. PM sent
  7. Kokanee Kid

    Shasta Tackle at Puyallup

    See you there!
  8. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake Oct 30, 2011

    kokanee_slayer, your the man worthy12 laugh hyst Ya right, good luck with that. Toni has fished kokanee for two seasons, and I bet she could out fish you on our turf nananana And pic's or it did not happen.
  9. Kokanee Kid

    Rainy Clear Lake Morning

    I was not fishing, I was hunting Vampires!
  10. Kokanee Kid

    Would this jig

    We wont be fishing very deep, i'd guess 25'.
  11. Kokanee Kid

    Would this jig

    That will work for what we are going to do! How about a hot pink jig? I dont know what you would call it, but im thinking pink! Maybe even white or black, go nuts tooexcited
  12. Kokanee Kid

    Lake Sutherland kokanee

    How big are the kokes out there?
  13. Kokanee Kid

    Would this jig

    Looks good to me. Make up about 3 diffrent patterns and we will go give them a try. How heavy are they?
  14. Kokanee Kid

    Merwin Report

    Thank's for the report. Jow big are the kokes now? We have been pondering heading down there.
  15. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake 07/11/2011

    SWEET! Its been a while for us getting a 16" or even 15" kokes. We were out in the am and got 15 kokes in 3 hours.
  16. Kokanee Kid

    American 7/11/11

    We hit American again today, started fishing at 8:45 with cloudy skies. Rigs were deployed just outside the boat ramp. And I settled in after being on my feet all night at work. And bingo! Fish on, I tell out guest, Dr. Elliot, "Sorry it took so long"! As he is fighting the first koke of the day...
  17. Kokanee Kid

    American 5 July 2011

    Thanks for showing your setup. We dont use anything quite like that. How long is your leader on that setup?
  18. Kokanee Kid

    Chinook on American Lake

    TrollNFisher, it was a nice day to be fishing for sure! terryhotshoe, you got that right 2 for 1!
  19. Kokanee Kid

    Chinook on American Lake

    So the decision to sleep in was made yesterday, we figured after all the gunpowder and food from the 4th why not? We launched at American at 10:30am and were fishing about 5 min. later. After about a half an hour of searching for kokanee I see a Chinook helicopter coming from the south. Not a...
  20. Kokanee Kid

    Ward & St Clair lakes

    Its been about 2 years but, green weding ring with dna corn caught a few 14" kokes out of there.