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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. Kokanee Kid

    American is pumping out the kokes!

    We started fishing for kokes at American the beginning of April. Since then we have had some great days on the water. Today was a tad slower, but we had a great time. Started fishing about 10:00am and finished up about 1:30pm. Had a newbie on the boat, and he did good. The same bag of tricks has...
  2. Kokanee Kid

    Angle Lake Kokanee

    Right on brother! If ya ever want to head south, give me a call and i will give you the 411 tooexcited
  3. Kokanee Kid

    More Kokanee Madness

    We also ran into wannafish on the water. Tony, I feel bad for your motor problems. I wish you could have caught fish with us, maybe next time. We got our 15 kokes and had a awesome day on the water. Same bag of tricks worked great, and 18' down worked well for us.
  4. Kokanee Kid

    More Kokanee Madness

    Sunday: A dream come true, my wife agreed to go kokanee fishing today! And fishing was GOOD! Shortly after we started I saw a very large fish on the surface, I’d guess 7lbs or so :o The wife caught her share of kokes and had a blast. The dominator was in usual form also.
  5. Kokanee Kid

    More Kokanee Madness

    Saturday: On the way to hookup with the Kokanee Dominator and head to American I call another buddy. He tells me it took him 30 min to get his five kokes! It took us less than 2 hours to get our 15 kokes. And finally ran into another buddy of mine on the water. I was also able to help him out...
  6. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake 4-16-2011

    Righth on! Nice batch of kokes thumbsup
  7. Kokanee Kid

    Run-N-Gun part 2

    Back to American, I wish the wind would have died down. So in short order we decided to run-n-gun again. It worked great! We saw dbfield on the water with his dad and kid's too! Fish on! And something we have not run into yet, the trout are hungry! Here is a chunky 15" rainbow. We had 2 or 3...
  8. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake - 2011

    OH YA!!!! WELL...................................... nananana
  9. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake - 2011

    Most of the time im in the kokanee dominators boat.
  10. Kokanee Kid

    More Merwin

    Nice batch of fish! Where is my free samples, maybe I am your lost love child? Or maybe we were separated at birth? laugh hyst
  11. Kokanee Kid

    Merwin Kokes last week or so

    We had a great trip too thumbsup Paul's the man!
  12. Kokanee Kid

    Lake Merwin 4.7.2011 w/ NorthwestRiverGuideService

    Thanks’ again for the invite Tup: That was some consistent action for sure. And Paul did a great job, money well spent. A 24' sled, all the gear and bait, a guy that knows how to catch koke's at Merwin, and fishes 6 people for $200! That's $33 per. person, that's a smoking deal for a guided...
  13. Kokanee Kid

    My Favorite Lake

    HOLY $*#@! Those are some porkers thumbsup
  14. Kokanee Kid

    Fired Up! Part 2 Run-N-Gun

    I forgot to mention we forgot one piece of very important equipment, the NET! The funny thing is not one fish was lost because we had no net! I was sure we were guna hook into a monster and have no way to land it.
  15. Kokanee Kid

    Fired Up! Part 2 Run-N-Gun

    I wake up to the phone ringing, it's the skipper. He wants me to come over and smoke a stogie. I suggest we smoke on the boat! We get to the ramp at noon to see a choppy American lake. I say to the skip "this was your idea right"? He just shakes his head. Shortly after skips brother shows up. I...
  16. Kokanee Kid

    Fired Up!

    kokanee slayer: Wish we would have seen ya on the water too, maybe next time. Mav186: Thank's smokin' Kokes: I love to catch them and eat them too!!
  17. Kokanee Kid

    Fired Up!

    After a late night yesterday, I thought I would look thru the pic's I took. I found this pic and thought it was a good one.
  18. Kokanee Kid

    Fired Up!

    Thank's for the comments guys! autorick: I was at American Lake sawtooth: Tank you, it was a hoot! eenakok: Always good to talk to ya, even though as I wright this I know you are out koke fishing!!!!!!!! MackPrince: Thank's, the funny thing is, sitting at the skips place it was pissing down...
  19. Kokanee Kid

    Fired Up!

    Fired Up! Another pic added...... So today I find out at 6:30am that I do no get to go to work Friday night. My blood begins to boil. The thoughts of seeing Paul’s kokes from down south and the reports from friends closer to home. First stop is to get a new license. And then home, on the way...