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  1. jekern1015

    How often do switch gear

    I never even thought of jigging. Thanks I will have to give that a try next time.
  2. jekern1015

    How often do switch gear

    I was out fishing today and was just wondering, how often do change your setup. I would change it every time we went over a school of fish and didn't get any hook ups. My gear was never in the water for more than 15 minutes. Sometimes I would just change the color and other times I would just...
  3. jekern1015

    Great fishing

    There was no wind the entire day, well until 3:30 when we left, I don't know after that. The skies were blue with small clouds all over. The temps were on the beautiful side of nice and fish jumping everywhere. You couldn't ask for a better day, unless you wanted to catch fish. For us we marked...
  4. jekern1015

    9-1 Gorge Report

    Thanks for the pics. I showed them to my wife and we are defiantly heading up in the morning. I feel like a kid in a candy store right now, note to self don't screw it up and do what she says for the rest of the day. WOOHOO.
  5. jekern1015

    Labor Day

    We won't be going up for the weekend , I have to work all day on Saturday. We are thinking about a day trip on Sunday. Sounds like the fishing is still good. We will have to wait and see if I can find someone to help out with gas.
  6. jekern1015

    Smokercraft Pro Tracer 162

    I agree with Super D, I went from a 14' boat to a 16' and now I wish I had gone bigger. I would also look into the size waters you plan to fish. My biggest complaint with my boat is the sides are not high enough, it gets a little scary when the wind kicks up on the larger lakes.
  7. jekern1015

    Labor Day

    After reading about all the red koke's being caught, I am starting to wonder about my planned trip over Labor day. I would love to catch a red koke, which would be my first, but I think I would rather catch something for the smoker. From the sounds of things I might be better off staying at...
  8. jekern1015

    new to the gorge

    The last week of august up at Strawberry by the visitors center and you should be able to start seeing them up there. I don't know about the Gorge but I would imagine it would be about the same time frame.
  9. jekern1015

    polishing granite help

    I am trying to save some money on granite countertops and decided to try a small vanity on my own. After cutting and putting an edge on it, I am in the process of polishing it. I have polished it with a 3000 grit wet pad and I can't get it to shine. I am also seeing white stains being left on...
  10. jekern1015

    Kokanee Taste?

    The launch at Anvil is cement and in pretty good shape. I can't say that about the dirt road to get there, extremely dry and dusty with a wash board surface to boot. With all that Anvil is still my favorite launch at the gorge.
  11. jekern1015

    late Gorge report for 7/21

    Thanks for the info. I will be there sometime on wednesday and will be there till friday. Friday we are headed to strawberry to do a little fishing before saturdays DAV event. I will be in a Tracker with my wife and dogs, Stop by and check in on us if anyone is in the neighborhood.
  12. jekern1015

    late Gorge report for 7/21

    Where is breeze at. We are heading up on wednesday. We were planning on fishing out of Anvil, but after reading the last couple of reports maybe we should think about Buckboard.
  13. jekern1015

    7-21-12 @ the Gorge

    I'll be up on friday, was there anytime during the day that seemed better.
  14. jekern1015


    I fished the soldier creek side in hopes of finding kokanee for dinner, and to try a little pre fishing for the dav event in a couple of weeks. We had a reel slow day, putting only 3 fish in the boat and losing one other to a long line release. We did manage to catch one each of the rainbow...
  15. jekern1015


    I will be headed up Sunday morning. Lookout kokanee (I hope).
  16. jekern1015


    I need to get up there before the dav event. I volunteered my boat and hope to prefish it before then. I don't want to take someone fishing in my boat and come back with nothing. I haven't decided if we should jig or just try trolling or the old tried and true worm and marshmallow. Were you on...
  17. jekern1015

    Camping Question

    There are campgrounds at buckboard and the launch ramp is real nice. The road from the highway is paved all the way to the water at buckboard. I will be up there in 2 weeks for a little r&r.
  18. jekern1015

    Caught My First Koke

    Thats a great looking first fish, congrats. Did you make those down rigger weights yourself.
  19. jekern1015

    Utah Lake

    Fished Utah lake this morning until noon. We fished by pelican point and had some success on shrimp and worms. We caught channel cats, white bass, a couple of mudders and 5 big ol carp.
  20. jekern1015

    About Time

    That last pic of the smoke filled skies is amazing. I don't think I could have lasted very long in smoke that thick, it looks virtually pitch black(LOL).