Labor Day

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2008
Kearns, Utah
After reading about all the red koke's being caught, I am starting to wonder about my planned trip over Labor day. I would love to catch a red koke, which would be my first, but I think I would rather catch something for the smoker. From the sounds of things I might be better off staying at home. The last few years the wind hasn't been very good to me up their this time of year. Wind blowing , lake is white capped and the wife just a bit!@#% away. I guess I will play it by ear and see what happens, after all it is still fishing. Anyone else have plans on being up there for one last ooyah.
You are seeing pictures of the red fish but I think people are still catching next years fish which are still nice and silver.
I'll be heading up for labor day, it will be the first in a few years. since the added fees with the stamp. I have never gone this late in the season, does anyone have any tips for the first a sept....
anyone have a report for the weekend of the 24th - 26th? thanks BB
Just got back from the gorge this afternoon. We fished out of anvil on tuesday afternoon. The fishing was great a lot of silver only a couple with any red tint at all. Caught a couple of mac pups. Wensday we went to the Wall? in the morning didnt do nothing lost a couple small ones at the boat. Went back to anvil wensday afternoon caught a couple but the action was not even close to what the day before. This morning we went back to anvil and limited out with small fish (we wanted to get some for the freezer) My main objective was a red one for the wall but not this year. The wind was so so not bad enough to drive you off the lake but it was there. The thunder storms were hit and miss this morning we got caught just as we were loading the boat. Waited bout 10 minutes to long to head to the dock. Over all we had a blast and will be back again. If you go out of anvil the water is real low at the ramp so be carefull. Good luck and have fun.
We won't be going up for the weekend , I have to work all day on Saturday. We are thinking about a day trip on Sunday. Sounds like the fishing is still good. We will have to wait and see if I can find someone to help out with gas.
We won't be going up for the weekend , I have to work all day on Saturday. We are thinking about a day trip on Sunday. Sounds like the fishing is still good. We will have to wait and see if I can find someone to help out with gas.

Those day trips are hard to do. It takes 3hrs drive up which means getting up very early, on the water no later than 0730 and leaving by 5pm for a grueling 3hrs again. Gas prices are to be going up thru the Labor weekend as projected and then to come back down afterwards. Gouging=ouch. That equates to a $200 round trip drive for a couple hours of enjoyment and not to mention boat gas. But I haven't learned my lesson when it comes to fishing the Gorge. signfishin
Brownbagger, We fished Anvil Draw through the weekend into Monday, did the best north of the boat ramp, on the big flat, this side of Brinegars. Fished 20ft behind the ball and 60ft down, any R.M.T. silver dodger with a pink, orange,or rainbow colored squid worked for us, hope this helps.

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