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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. jekern1015


    Visited the Utah boat show this afternoon and stopped by the booth for Kokanee Creek Tackle. My wife would only let me spend $20, man that was a tough decision. I came away with a couple of spinners,couple of bladed hoochies and a dodger, I also picked up a couple of walleye worm harnesses. I...
  2. jekern1015

    Burbot Bash

    Here is an update on the results of the bash. I copied and pasted from another site. There was a total of 1169 participants which caught 4287 burbot in 2-nights. Most fish was won with 211 burbot and adult big fish was 35.1 inches and 7.5 lbs. Youth big fish was 32.1 inches and small fish was...
  3. jekern1015

    Burbot Bash

    We fished the Burbot Bash this year, and our results were not that good. For the 2 nights we only ended up with 10 small burbot on Friday and we only managed 4 on Saturday. We fished the Haystack Butte area on both nights. We didn't catch any other fish. I heard reports that over 1100 people had...
  4. jekern1015

    Headed to the Bash

    Myself and a few buddies will be leaving for the Burbot Bash in a few hours. We will be in a Minnie Winnie motorhome. Stop by and say Hi if you are planning on being up there. Were not sure exactly were we will be fishing but I do know we will be at Buckboard getting our fish checked Sat...
  5. jekern1015

    KFF stickers

    I could use a couple more, pm sent
  6. jekern1015

    fish finders

    I used to lowrance but after a couple of bad models as far as reliability issues, I switched to Humminbird. I love the gps feature and I have yet to get a false reading like what was occuring with my lowrances. I have had this fish finder for 4 years and I am looking to get the one with bottom...
  7. jekern1015

    Slowing down

    I would go with a small outboard as a trolling moter. I have a 16' tracker with a 40hp merc. and I use a 9.9 merc to troll with. I can not troll under 1.5 on a glass lake. Colman, nissan and mercury all have moters down in the 2.5-4hp range, those might get you down that slow. I use a 45lb...
  8. jekern1015

    2013 burbot bash

    The details for this years burbot bash are on The dates are feb. 1-3, entry fee is $35. There will be $20000 in cash and prizes awarded, including one tagged fish worth $10,000. This cold weather lately should do wonders for the ice, I won't need my boat like last...
  9. jekern1015

    Cold weather coats

    She does have some Cabelas cold weather bibs and coat. I bought her a nice pair of Shappel snow boots and with hand warmers her feet are fine. Most days we bring the shelter and heater but she has never been able to warm up enough after the trek in. In all honesty I am not allowed to have the...
  10. jekern1015

    Cold weather coats

    My wife has been ice fishing with me for the last couple of years and we always have to leave due to her being cold. Has anyone ever tried any of the heated jackets that run on batteries. Might be a good Christmas present for her.
  11. jekern1015

    Silver Horde Hoochies

    OH MAN! There's something else missing from my tackle box.
  12. jekern1015

    Kokanee Association

    Sign me up.
  13. jekern1015

    Vets day weekend

    Mother nature played a little havoc with our plans for the holiday weekend. We had to cancel our lake powell trip. Thursday we headed over to Starvation in hopes of finding some walleye and perch. A big skunk on those two but the rainbows were eager to play. We trolled bottom bouncers from...
  14. jekern1015

    Burbot Bash

    Just received notice on Facebook the KSL Outdoors will be sponsering the burbot bash again in Feb. The dates are set at Feb 1-3. Once again I will be turning in my vacation request for that weekend. Bring on the ice.
  15. jekern1015

    show of support

    Sorry to hear about your battle with cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  16. jekern1015

    Strange phone call

    I googled that phone number, as Mudinchev had mentioned, and found out that it was really a P.I.. The P.I. investigates cases involving u.s. citizens and foreigners. I talked with my neighbor and he said he left back in the 70's with out telling anyone. Maybe he married to get over here from the...
  17. jekern1015

    Strange phone call

    I received a message today from someone claiming to be a private detective in New York working on a missing persons case. My wife called and it had to do with our neighbor, a divorced man who has lived by himself for the last 16 years. We have never seen any vistors at his home at wich he is...
  18. jekern1015

    Independent Contractor Defined???????

    I don't have any answers to your questions but OnTrac picks up pakages from the post office I work at three times a week. Those packages are a prepaid return postage. There is an Ontrac delivery van parked in front of a house in the neighborhood every night.
  19. jekern1015

    deer Creek

    We hit Deer Creek yesterday looking for a walleye bite. We trolled various worm harness and had the most sucess with a oarnge blade. We had no takers of any sort on silver, gold, chartruse spinner blades. We never found any walleye but the rainbows were eager as well as the smallmouths. we...
  20. jekern1015

    Porcupine 9-07-2012

    Cool pictures, Thanks.