Silver Horde Hoochies

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
Just noticed these... says the head design produces erratic action when fished behind dodgers... Anyone here tried them?


Silver Horde® ACE HI-FLY Junior Salmon Lures - 2" Bodies
The Ace Hi-Fly Junior features a double glow head that intensifies the action. The four facets on the head increase the erratic action of the fly, when fished behind a dodger or a flasher. The way the insert puffs out the Mylar and plastic legs, it gives the lure a pulsing action in the water. The Mylar itself reflects UV light. Salmon can see 3 more colors than humans; these all falling in the UV light spectrum. So, with the special tinsel in the fly, it literally lights up in the water. When bringing a fish to the boat, you see the fly long before you see the fish. So when the regular Ace Hi-Fly is too large try its Junior-sized equivalent.
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They work well for all/most salmon for sure. Don't know why they wouldn't work for koks
Make your own. I believe squids are going to become a thing of the past and trolling flies will take their place.

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