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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. DC18FT

    Does any one target Land Locked Chinook..?

    Though the kings don't taste as good as the kokes, I enjoy chasing them at my local Folsom Lake. I have found that a faster trolling speed 3-4mph triggers the Kings to bite. At these speeds we are trolling spoons smeared with Pro-Cure with no dodgers....good luck... Bryon
  2. DC18FT

    Your position on Transom Savers

    The M-Y Wedge gets my vote. Very easy to use and install.... Bryon
  3. DC18FT

    Boat Cleaning Products

    Klasse all in one polish/wax/sealant for boat paint. Easy on and off application. 3M vinyl cleaner and restorer for boat seats, window gaskets, etc. Nice lemon scent too. Spray bottle with water and 2-3 drops of Dawn dish soap for all interior areas that get messy with sunscreen, pro cure...
  4. DC18FT

    Lake Pardee - 5-16-09 Kokanee hors d'oeuvres

    As stated..."small but still tasty"thumbsup. With the holiday weekend approaching, I am thinking of hitting the quiet Pardee waters for some of those "fish sticks". Bryon
  5. DC18FT


    Welcome aboard RibOwner. Bryon
  6. DC18FT

    Lake Berryessa 4-18-09 - Another nice day!

    Atta boy Kevin. Those fish are gonna be real nice in a few months!!!! Bryon
  7. DC18FT

    Downrigger Releases

    Scotty user here. Bryon
  8. DC18FT

    Downrigger Weights

    10lb lead fish..... Bryon
  9. DC18FT

    Lake Berryessa 4-11-09

    Way to go Kevin!!!! Nice looking fish for this time of year. Bryon
  10. DC18FT

    Shaver Lake 4-11-09

    Way to go Scott. Looks like it's gonna be a great year at Shaver!!! Bryon
  11. DC18FT

    Knife sharpening

    Do a search online for the Hunter Honer. Very simple to use, compact and does a good job. Bryon
  12. DC18FT

    List of California Koke lakes

    I'm not giving up on Folsom until the end of this koke season. worthy12worthy12 It would be so cool to have kokes 10 minutes from the house!!!! C'mon fish gods!!!!!! Bryon
  13. DC18FT

    Downrigger Storage

    Nice setup guys. For you Scotty guys, here is another pic of what we have been using in our "Fishing Room" for our lawn mowers!!!! Bryon
  14. DC18FT

    Respooling Line

    I change out the line once a year. I like 8lb Maxima Ultra Green. I like to take all the line off so that I can wipe off my reels, lube and grease all parts. Bryon
  15. DC18FT

    New to the board But not to the game

    Glad you made it JT. I'm sure you don't remember me, but I worked the CIFFI kids spinner booth with you a few years back. Also, if that is your son in the pic, I worked with him and his buddy at this years show. See you on the water.... Bryon
  16. DC18FT

    More downriggers or stacker

    We run 2 DR's on our boat. When the bite is hot, it is hard enough to keep 2 DR's in the watertongue2. When the bite is slow, we stack and cover different depths/lures to find the right combo. Bryon
  17. DC18FT

    Reels for Kokanee fishing

    We have been using Calcutta 50's, 100's and Abu 4000 series reels. Personally I prefer the size, weight and look of the Calcutta 100's. Whatever reel(s) you choose, I highly recommend the SmoothDrag upgrade with the Carbontex drag washers. Don't forget to smother the washers with a...
  18. DC18FT

    I made it!!!!

    New guy here. My name is Bryon and I am another California Kokanee guy. Thanks to Kevin AKA HiTechKoke for introducing me to the site. Looking at some of the posts, I already know alot of you guys......Hope to meet alot more of you on the water.thumbsup Bryon