Boat Cleaning Products

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
Got any products that you would recommend? I've tried many cleaners over the years trying to find one that cuts through the water stains and scum oxidation. I don't normally recommend a product, but this stuff is GOOD! It's called "Krud Kutter". It's a degreaser/stain remover that's non-toxic and biodegradable. After useing the Krud Kutter on the aluminum boat, then going over it with Mother's aluminum polish, it shines like a mirror! Another great product for removing water stains off glass is a product called "Amaz". The only place I've seen it for sale was at a automotive glass company. For cleaning rubber and vinyl "Aerospace 303 Protectant" works great without getting the greasy/shiny look that other cleaner's leave. Any product's out there that you've had good success with?
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I found a product at a trailer supply years ago and I'm still using it for taking hard water stains off of glass. Its called 'Nothin's Better'. Originally bought it for my auto's, but it works on everything. I purchased it back about 95' when I use to live in Sacramento. One little container has lasted all these years and still have enough to last another 10yrs plus. Unfortunately , haven't seen it since. But it might still be out there.
I use "toon-brite" to take the oxidation off my aluminum, its biodegradable and won’t deteriorate the aluminum. Spray on then hose off, then hit it with flitz. Now I just need the "Go-Daddy Girl" to do all the labor.
Found this link on the Nothin's Better stuff Bduck mentioned. Looks like there are other sites that sell it. Just type in Nothin's Better glass cleaner in google.

Thanks Bob, Thats the product. It works good and I recommend on those tough stains. When I bought it, it was only $5.00 for the container. I still have 3/4 of a container left. It goes a long ways. After I used it, I didn't get any stains to settle back on the surface. You can see where water settled and dried, but would wipe off. Try it, I don't think anyone would be disappointed.
I use good ole White Vinegar - $2 a gallon - removes water stains and leaves the boat shining. Just buy a couple spray bottles and you get the addition refreshing smell dye-ing Easter Eggs.
I use good ole White Vinegar - $2 a gallon - removes water stains and leaves the boat shining. Just buy a couple spray bottles and you get the addition refreshing smell dye-ing Easter Eggs.
ditto on the vinegar, cheap and the best stuff for cutting thoose hard water spots,,,,,thumbsup
Klasse all in one polish/wax/sealant for boat paint. Easy on and off application.

3M vinyl cleaner and restorer for boat seats, window gaskets, etc. Nice lemon scent too.

Spray bottle with water and 2-3 drops of Dawn dish soap for all interior areas that get messy with sunscreen, pro cure, fish blood, etc. Works good on windows too!!!


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