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  1. sawdustsavage

    pic 2

    pic Thanks for the help. Now I'm all set to show off that 10pound plus Koke when I catch it.laugh hyst My wife will only be there a few days. She has to work so I can shop. Atleast that's what she tells me.If you happen up to the lake in the last 3 weeks of july look me up. Thanks Again John
  2. sawdustsavage


    Min Thanks Bob. I have an 18 ft. toon. Looks like I better get another battery. Mine isA 12 volt system. I have an on board charger. Do you know if you can charge 3 batteries with a 2 bank charger? Thanks John
  3. sawdustsavage


    Does anyone know how long you can slow troll with a minkota 55 riptide motor. I have a designated battery for trolling motor and fish finders. A ball park would be great. I need to know whether I will need another battery to fish a full day.worthy12
  4. sawdustsavage

    pic 2

    well this is all I have till I get my puter back from the hospital. I think I set the hook too hardlaugh hyst
  5. sawdustsavage

    pic 2

    here it goes.
  6. sawdustsavage

    pic try

    thanks. I'll give that a try.
  7. sawdustsavage

    pic try

    I don't have an url. how do I get one.
  8. sawdustsavage

    Oregon Koke's...

    signfishin Dang it, I must be a fast shopper. On my second gajilion and haven't put one in the water yet. I geuss I'm not over the boats weight capacity yet. If I am the wife may not get to fishlaugh hyst. Seriously I am convinced Kokanee are going to take a fair amount of tackle. Unlike...
  9. sawdustsavage

    Getting rid of deer

    22 long rifle comes to mind. I used to raise roses at home. I had over 60 plants. I loved the smell. So did the deer. Last 3 yrs I raised them I got 2 buds. I tried evrything I heard of except a 22. I gave up and took out the roses.I don't think a coyote form will scare them much. I have had...
  10. sawdustsavage

    Fish Ice Box?

    You might consider mounting one on the side. I think one of Mikes Vblocks might do the trick. It would be tough to remove it loaded but empty should work fine. Just a thought. I have sveral on my boat for diffrent things. They work great.
  11. sawdustsavage


    Thanks I appreciate it. John
  12. sawdustsavage

    Arrowrock tire slashing

    Thanks I will do that. Under the circustances you were about as proactive as you could safely be. I'm sure you are like me in this respect. Alone trust me they would have lost big time. With family present they win by default. It's truly a shame some folks have lost their self respect. You...
  13. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa Lake trip of a life time for crjahn

    Wallowa 101welcomw Reading your post I didn't remember seeing you here. I looked at your profile and saw you just joined. I assume you live in the Joseph area. I will be there from the 7th of july for a month. If you are from there or back up there then Ill buy you a beer or so. I would be the...
  14. sawdustsavage

    Arrowrock tire slashing

    101goodpost101That is too bad. Family camping is a great thing. I have several suggestions. Im sure they all went thru your mind at the time so I wont elaborate. You did the right thing. Confrontation under those conditions could have been much worse than the spoiled camping trip. I hope you did...
  15. sawdustsavage


    great idea. Thanks. I can use the help. I mounted mine then changed my mind. You ideas will help. Thank You John
  16. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    Hoping it will pick up by next month. Is it usually decent fishing in july? Like you said its allways fun to just fish. More fun to catch but its all good.
  17. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    OH NO, Well the main thing is your having fun. The worst day fishing is still greater than the best day working. There is always tommorrow.
  18. sawdustsavage

    finally got my old boat rigged for trolling

    101welcomw101welcomw Good luck with the retiring. I just got retarded last sept. Haven't fished much yet. Been rigging up my boat foe kokanee. Keep the rubber down and the rod up. Good luck101cheers101
  19. sawdustsavage

    1st Timer to Wallowa

    101goodpost101awesomereport I geuss I never realized some of these things. Thanks for filling me in. It is so difficult for me to understand why all people cant get along. Put 20 young children from different cultures alone to play and they will have a great time. A few years later adults will...
  20. sawdustsavage

    Another convert to the cause

    Welcome 101welcomw Have a great time here. A bunch of very helpfull folks here.101cheers101