Arrowrock tire slashing

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May 7, 2010
OK here is some more info on the tire slashing at Arrowrock. It appears a coupe of kids driving a small blue car did the slashing. One is rather large and goofy looking w/ glasses. The other small and scrawny. Both 16-18 yrs old. They were a hundred yards down the beach from my buddies truck fishing and shooting BB guns. You could see where they drove down the beach to the truck, stopped and then spun out. The Boise County Sheriff would love to talk with them if anyone happens to see them. Thanks! Rod
You gotta know they will be back up there one of these days. Let's hope someone sees the truck. If there is a blue truck, just go up and ask how the fishing is. If they meet the description, call the cops!! Damn, I hope they get nailed. That act is just nastiness. Mike

Took the family up to Arrowrock for the weekend. Camped at osprey piont cuz our Cascade reservation was cancelled due to flooding. Had a great time Thursday and Friday. Saturday a group of (no joke) bull dykes squeezed in right next to us. ( set up ten feet from my brother in laws tent) Making out, beer bongs, loud thumping bass music, language. I've got 3 little kids! I left California 5 years ago to get away from this crap! I asked them nicely 3 times cool it. Finally, at 2am I was so angry and was about to lose my mind. Wanted to take matters into my own hands but thought better of it. My wife and I packed up and headed home. Got to bed at 5 am Sunday. Not sure what else i could have done.? No law enforcement for miles. Any suggestions? Arrowrock has been a really nice place to take the kids and it looks like that is changing. I often park on the beach in between boat ramps and launch my boat. I would be screwed if someone slashed all my tires. I hope they find those bastards!
101goodpost101That is too bad. Family camping is a great thing. I have several suggestions. Im sure they all went thru your mind at the time so I wont elaborate. You did the right thing. Confrontation under those conditions could have been much worse than the spoiled camping trip. I hope you did get license numbers and let the law enforcement in the area know what happened. This kind of thing needs to be stopped. Unfortunately in this case we are a civilized people so our only option is to make sure the system works.
Good job. I have a shorter fuse than you. You did well to refrain.worthy12
For years I have avoided LP during the summer because of the crowds and went to AR. Now it seems I will have to avoid AR for the same reasons. Thought about boat camping up the SF arm but I'm not leaving my rig unattended overnight. Boise County doesn't have the manpower to keep a sheriff up there so you're kinda on your own. I guess now that it warmed up I'll be hittin the mtn lakes for the next couple months. Times are a changing and not for the better in my opinion. Sad!
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I couldn't think straight. I was seriously concerned that had I pushed the issue further that all 15 drunk lesbians would go balistic and I would empty my .357 landing myself in jail. If the situation ever arises again I think I'll be more pro active and drive into cell range to get assistance. Everyone of those women should no better and deserved to be slapped! Lesson learned for sure.

My buddy who was camping with us started " I hate rude campers " on facebook. He did a great job on it. Take a look for a good laugh:)[email protected]
Thanks I will do that. Under the circustances you were about as proactive as you could safely be. I'm sure you are like me in this respect. Alone trust me they would have lost big time. With family present they win by default. It's truly a shame some folks have lost their self respect. You can't hold yourself in very high asteem and do crap like that. We were brought up with some values. I am willing to bet that T.V. and the web raised that bunch. Its sad. I hate to see people not be able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life without conffrontation. I have had my share. Maybe some day when your bore P.M. me and I will share these situations with you. I have lost some of my dearest places to this kind of stuff. WE need to draw a line in the sand. every place we lose to this is gone forever. They assume the role of the right ones. In just a very short time 15 turns into 150.I would suggest that maybe its time for a guys only weekend to the same campgrounds. Please leave the weapons home though. It would be a shame to see any of you in trouble with the law. Make it a large group outing. You would be suprised at how fast bad ***** lose their grits with even odds.
Good luck on however you decide to deal with this. If I were closer I would invite myself along for that camp out. That would be unusual. I don't camp. After I got out of the army my idea of roughing it is Motel 6.
Keep me posted and have a great summer with your family. Kids are only Kids for the blink of an eye.

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