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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. Smalma

    E. WA Kokanee fishing

    Brisco - You could do worst than starting your search from the list of lakes under the catergory for Washington kokanee reports. One lake there that jumps out to fit your criteria would be Deer Lake - just a few miles from Loon. Another resource can be found at -...
  2. Smalma

    How to make hoochies

    Chad - A good brand of hoockies are Yama****a (a product of Japan distributed by gold star). I like the 1.2 and 1.5 inch sizes that are available in a variety of colors. The various pinks and other popular kokanee colors that come in glow, double glow, and UV enhanced versions. Most folks...
  3. Smalma

    Downrigger set back Help.

    Plugs - As with all things kokanee there always are plenty of exceptions! The rule of 100 is just a basic guideline to get folks in the game. Generally if you are going to err on the drop back length it is better to be too long than too short. How aggressive the fish are varies a lot day to...
  4. Smalma

    Downrigger set back Help.

    I too agree with silverbullets - For newbies or guys that are struggling I always suggest the rule of 100. For a flat line the gear would be 100 feet behind the boat. If the gear is at 20 feet the set back is 80', if at 40 feet the set back is 60', and so on. Don't always need that much but...
  5. Smalma

    help identifying a fish

    Looks to me to be a residual coho. Pretty common for coho fry to over winter in lakes and ponds. Not all that uncommon for some to find the feeding to be good enough for them to stay in freshwater. I have seen them in a number of lakes here in western Washington. The two year old fish are...
  6. Smalma

    Kokanee regulation changes

    eenakok - Good one!! - while I (and my fishing partners) would miss my smoked kokanee lunches I could live with CnR. Seriously with this abysmal weather short of building an Ark we kokanee fantics have to find our entertainmant somewhere. The good news is that in just a few weeks we can put...
  7. Smalma

    Kokanee regulation changes

    In light of the recent thread on the potential Palmer Lake bag limit change I visited WDFW's regulations page to see if there was any changes posted. I found that in enlight of the tremdous increase in angler interest and pressure on many of the more popular kokanee lakes serious consideration...
  8. Smalma

    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    Not to beat a dead horse but I have a couple questions about Palmer and its kokanee. Does anyone know what portion of the kokanee in the lake are from natural production and what portion are from the hatchery plants? Or to word it another way how successful are the natural spawners in producing...
  9. Smalma

    How To Fish For Upper Columbia Sockeye

    KingChinook - Thanks for the great information - with that sort of insight in a new fishery to most of us I'm sure that many of us here on the West side will be heading over the "hump" to "share" that unique fishery with you. It is folks like you that are willing to share info that makes...
  10. Smalma

    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    I see that Palmer is planted annually with approximately 100,000 kokanee fry every year. Does any know whether there is also some natural reproduction contributing to the numbers of kokanee in the lake? A plant of 100K kokanee for a lake the size of Palmer is a pretty light plant (5o...
  11. Smalma

    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    Bogey- The regulation changes for 2012-2013 (going into effect 5/1) can be found at: All the changes that were considered and past by WDFW commission is found there. I usually follow the...
  12. Smalma

    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    Bogey - Where did you find that regulation change? I can not find it in either the 2012-2013 WDFW regs or the emergency regulation changes. Tight lines Curt
  13. Smalma

    Lets Get KPOW Started!

    Other than hosting a number of derbies what sort of issues is kokanee power looking at on behalf of the kokanee fishing in Washington? Hopefully there will be more to kokanee power than taking from the resource via derbies. Tight lines Curt
  14. Smalma

    Boat current

    Silverbullets- It seems to me that one would not have to be anchored to see the fish reacting to that potential electrical field via the depth finder. If fish are being attracted they should be swimming into the finder's cone and as they follow along there would appear to be a large/long of...
  15. Smalma

    Boat current

    SilverBullets - According to the link you provided the optimal for sockeye is 1 volt. Remember kokanee are not trout but a landlocked sockeye. That said I'm not sure how much difference the voltage makes in most freshwater fisheries. The conductivity of most freshwater is so low that the...
  16. Smalma

    Kokanee and scents

    Regarding the effectiveness of corn. Between the sugar and salt used in the canning process and the natural straches/sugars in the corn itself by using corn (or other flavored baits) we are leaving a "natural" scent trail. Even though what we normal use to try to catch kokanee looks nothing in...
  17. Smalma


    Yes the kokanee in Stevens will continue to bite as the summer progresses. In fact the fishing the last week or so probably has become more consistent. The rub of course is that with warmer water temperatures is that the fish will generally be deeper. Kokanee preferred temperature is in the...
  18. Smalma

    American Lake recommendations

    Silverfox - Keep in mind that all dodgers are not created equal. Both Les Davis and Luhr Jensen dodgers are stamped from metal that is a bit thicker than say those made by gold star (which stamps many of the other readily available dodgers). As a result you will find that on those thicker...
  19. Smalma

    dam fishfinder!!

    Please note that fishbiker is from Lake Stevens, has been reporting on his efforts on Stevens and I actually saw him the day of his adventures in this report on Lake Stevens. On Lake Stevens chumming is legal and there was a very long history of successful kokanee fishing on Stevens as...
  20. Smalma

    dam fishfinder!!

    The surface action (the top 10 feet of the water column) is about done for the year, With the warmer weather that surface layer has become warmer than the kokanee's preferred mid-50 degree temperatures. As the summer progresses the kokanee will continue to move deeper. Without downriggers you...