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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. jekern1015

    Trailer bunk

    I need to replace one of the bunks on my boat trailer. Has anyone done this? Was there a specific brand that you can recommend. Mine is all rotted out and just floats in the water when I put the trailer in the water. What is the best way to replace them? Do I go to a lake and let my boat sit at...
  2. jekern1015


    We fished starvation for a few hours this morning. My wife caught the only walleye and rainbow. All I could catch was a mess of perch. Those perch seem to be getting smarter. We kept missing bites and would check our bait and there was a piece of worm on both hooks with nothing in the middle. We...
  3. jekern1015

    Fathers day week at the lake

    Those are some nice looking kokes. I have never seen any wildlife while fishing before, maybe I need to start looking elsewhere. Thanks for the report.
  4. jekern1015

    Jigging kokes in summer

    I have a buddy who fishes that way up at the Gorge on the Utah side. I personally have never tried it. I would imagine on the smaller lakes like Porcupine it would work once you found a school.
  5. jekern1015

    About Time

    Good luck on your trip. Reading about your adventure makes me want to call in sick and join you. 20 more years for retirement, can't wait.
  6. jekern1015

    caught a rainbow

    Nice looking fish and a great picture of the rainbow.
  7. jekern1015

    6-16-12 on the Gorge

    Those are some nice looking fish. Were you up by Buckboard. I need to get back up there.
  8. jekern1015

    Salmon chowder

    We made this over the weekend, very tasty indeed. 4 cups hot salmon stock 1 20 ounce can corn kernels in juice 1 pound fresh salmon, I used smoked recipe called for baked 1 cup of milk 3 sticks celery, finely chopped 2 large potatoes, diced 1 large onion, finally chopped, I used a red onion 1/2...
  9. jekern1015

    Silly just for fun question

    A lot will depend on what the load is and where you are fishing. My 16' tracker with a 40hp merc will do 21 at lake powell in calm conditions. Up at the gorge I'm lucky if I can hit 12 in calm conditions. When headed into the white caps on a rough day I'm more around 7-8 mph up at the gorge.
  10. jekern1015

    de-boning kokanee

    After I smoked my kokes last night I spent the last three hours this morning de-boning them for some koke spread and chowder. I got to thinking that there has to be an easier way. I don't fillet my fish because my wife says I waste to much meat. I am now going thru the meat flake by flake and...
  11. jekern1015

    Anvil 6-7

    We fished straight out across from the boat launch at Anvil Draw on Wednesday.We were using purple and green kokanuts and we also used a christians lakeshore tackle in glow with a purple spinner( I hope I spelled the name right). We ended up with 2 kokes in the boat and lost three other before...
  12. jekern1015

    Pipeline 6/2-6/3

    I'm headed up tomorrow what was the size of the kokes. I'm trying to decide between launching from Anvil or Buckboard.
  13. jekern1015

    Great Day at Buckboard with the wife and dog

    Love the pic with your dog. Way to go on the koke's.
  14. jekern1015

    6-2 Buckboard

    Now my wife is pissed. I asked her why my dinner didn't look like yours. Great job on the koke's. I may be headed up there on thursday. I am thinking "dial-a-day" for a quick trip.
  15. jekern1015

    Kokanee Spread

    I made this last night, I thought it was missing something. I guess I was wrong, it got rave reviews by everyone at work. Thanks for the recipe.
  16. jekern1015


    The drive is about 120 miles. I think it took us about 3 hours. The drive between Manila and Vernal is a little rough on the motorhome, can't drive 55 on that road.
  17. jekern1015

    Strawberry 5-19-2012

    I may be up there this weekend depending on the weather. Thanks for the report.
  18. jekern1015


    We drove over to Starvation Sunday morning from the Gorge. We didn't get to the boat ramp until 10 am and only fished until 2:30pm. We managed to catch one walleye at about 16" with no tag, and one fat rainbow that was just over 19". Both fish were caught bottom bouncing a silver blade worm...
  19. jekern1015

    I went

    After alot of agonizing and pouting on my part, my wife told me Saturday morning to go fishing. I am sure glad we went. I launched my boat at about 5pm Saturday evening from Anvil Draw and headed straight out from the marina. We caught 5 kokanee with the largest just over 16" and the smallest...
  20. jekern1015

    Should I stay or should I go

    After reading the reports of the great fishing this past weekend I thought I would try to get in on some of the action. After reading the forcast for Manila, I'm not sure if I should go. TONIGHT: MOSTLY CLOUDY. A CHANCE OF RAIN SHOWERS...SCATTERED THUNDERSTORMS WITH A CHANCE OF SNOW SHOWERS IN...