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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Saturday morning I will be departing for koke heaven. Will be convoying with a small group from Ogden joining up with a group of annual goers from Sacramento, Idaho Falls, as well some others locally. Staying at the reconstructed camp grounds of Lucerne. Hopefully will be seeing a few others out on the watering hole. There is a derby going this weekend so there is no doubt other members of KFF will be there. Already know of a few on the water now. This will be a week long fest. Photos will follow upon return. nananana
Good luck on your trip. Reading about your adventure makes me want to call in sick and join you. 20 more years for retirement, can't wait.
Good luck on your trip. Reading about your adventure makes me want to call in sick and join you. 20 more years for retirement, can't wait.

I'm a old sick leave user but I would be accused of being an abuser. In actual reality it was training the pups at work. thumbsup laugh hyst
Yaba dada do

Idahofalls Team pack and leaving early in the AM. Looking forward to talking about nothing but fishing! (And maybe Food) Safe travels to the rest of the voyagers headed to the Gorge.


Hopeing to boat lots like this! signfishin
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Happy Times

June 23-29 Great times at the Gorge. We met up with several out of state, Calif, Idaho, as well as locals at Lucerne. Koke fishing was at its finest. Some had banner days while others were into the fish but not disappointed. Color presentations varied from pink, orange, purple, blue, chartreuse, white behind fusion, hyperplaid dodgers as well as self made presentations. My neighbors joined up with us and learned a whole new experience in kokanee fishing. This was their first time koke fishing, fast & furious to start with. Unfortunately there are woes that goes with the territory. One boat had trouble for 2days with very low limits of fish. :confused: It turned out to be a possible "hot boat" electrically charged field. However, other boats pitched in for fishing. My last day fishing, like a dummy, I ran out of gas 15mi away from the launch ramp. t4luil But there were plenty of other friends with boats that came to the rescue. There was one that was just a couple miles north of us that came down and helped out. He had a full tank of gas and began pumping by way of a squeeze bulb into my tank. This tedious job took time with rotational help of course but got enough to get back to the marina on. Many many thanks to Propnut69, I owe you Tim.

Here is some pics of the first timers. They are hooked into kokanee fishing more than hooking kokanee themselves. They are now discussing buying a fishing boat. 4moremney


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Pics of some other boaters in our party.


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A couple misc. pics of surrounding area. There are many wildfires burning in Utah now. There are no campfires or open fires of any type being allowed at this time. The air quality has been terrible in the evening hours after the winds have settled. Looking into the sky the sun turned to an orange color looking thru the smoke fill as well as the moon. That would be a good captur color for a hoochie. stomper Lucerne campground reconstruction is completed. Added electrical outlets, removal of dangerous concrete blocks in 4 of the loops and new windbreaks added. Pavilions added in loops for group gatherings but must reserve those at campground check-in.


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That last pic of the smoke filled skies is amazing. I don't think I could have lasted very long in smoke that thick, it looks virtually pitch black(LOL).
That last pic of the smoke filled skies is amazing. I don't think I could have lasted very long in smoke that thick, it looks virtually pitch black(LOL).

The little orange dot is the moon. The next morning would be ash covering everything. Here's another pic of the moon.


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Great Pictures Roger. Great group last week also. This trip was the first time I have fished myself to being so tired, I didn't know if I was coming or going by Friday morning. Good Thing no one started a card game, I would have been easy pickings. The weeks fishing was simply incredible. What a bunch of fish we caught. We will not be repating that performance obviously till the next Gorge trip. Oh ya! Nice potluck everyone. Here are a couple more pictures of the week. One special picture for Roger!
2012 Flaming Gorge June 22-29 -2.jpg


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No salt at all Roger. Any of us would have helped each other at a moments notice.

Just great to be out there with QUALITY KFF members such as you and the others.

I am sure that gas gauge will get fixed this winter. I didn't tell you about my hose that broke and started dumping water into the bilge. Stuff happens to all of us. Good thing my pump worked well. You may have been towing me back in! tooexcited


My hat is off to the guy who spent part of his week, introducing the sport to the neighbors across the street.

Looks like ya'll had an awesome week.Just can't beat good fishing and great company.thumbsup

You are so right trollmonkey. This is a great bunch of people at their finest. When talking at the end of the day on topic about fishing, all thoughts were put into the next days adventure on the water. Off topic was very enjoyable with the laughter that was going on. We had a potluck that was fantastic. My neighbor who joined us had a wok that was designed from a farming harrow using a disk. It fit perfectly on top of a single burner from a turkey fryer. Excellent chow he cooked on that.

I can't wait until next year. tooexcited

Dallas, there was one day I didn't fish since my neighbors were learning a way of life we have come to enjoy. Seeing them catch kokes & a big smile would appear with my equipment was as good as me catching the fish. I stand proud for that. 101ok101

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