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  1. Rogerdodger

    Roll Call

    I have been busy trying to catch chums and steelhead, can't get my head into Kokanee until the weather warms up a litle.
  2. Rogerdodger

    cold weather koke fishing

    So are you saying kokanees bite just as well in winter as other times but those that show colors indicating they are ready to spawn should be released to spawn? This is welcome news; from my experience fishing for walleyes i have noted a lack of willingness to bite in real cold weather/water...
  3. Rogerdodger

    cold weather koke fishing

    Nearly all my kokanee fishing has been at American Lake near Tacoma, WA. Due mostly to cabin fever and cold weather I went to Sportco in Fife today and picked the brain of Tom Pollack, a well known fisherman around here. Tom fishes in Lake Washington a lot and tells me he stops fishing, or at...
  4. Rogerdodger

    cold weather koke fishing

    I am a rookie at kokanee but am looking forward to getting out there, I have fished mostly on American Lake. I have the impression from various posts that not many people fish for kokanee in December and other winter months. Is this only because of the cold weather or are the fish less tasty...
  5. Rogerdodger

    Roll Call

    Name: Rogerdodger Occupation: retired veterinarian Hometown: Sumner, WA Lakes of most experience: American Total years fishing: 55 Years fishing for Kokanee :1 Methods: Trolling
  6. Rogerdodger

    American Lake 11/01/11

    Thanks for the report. I will give it a try friday. Are you trolling deeper with the colder weather? I did great in the summer trolling with a downrigger at about 30feet down, north of the the big island. Lately i have been reading about people doing well south of the island.
  7. Rogerdodger

    24 of Oct @ American

    Thanks for a very detailed report. I am relatively new to Kokanee and new to American Lake. Do the kokanee bite in that lake year round? Is there a post-spawn period where kokanee don't bite or flesh deteriorates? Thanks for any info from anybody.
  8. Rogerdodger

    American Lake 10/10/11

    Nice fish!! i am pretty new to Kokanee fishing and have only fished American Lake a few times, always NORTH of the big island and with some success trolling the standard setup. Is it unusual to catch lots of kokes south of that island?
  9. Rogerdodger

    Killed 'em at Wallowa!!!

    OK thanks for the information. I live in the Tacoma area so its a big drive for me, especially with $4/gallon gas. I will put it on my todo list. Just the scenery in that area is a special treat.
  10. Rogerdodger

    Killed 'em at Wallowa!!!

    Great report. BIG fish. How far ahead do you have to apply to get a cabin or RV parking spot or whatever is available? I have been to Wallowa Lake only a couple of times but what a beautiful spot. Is the fishing good later in the summer?