I also use the smaller dodgers early season, when fishing closer to the surface. As the season progresses and the kokes move deeper I switch to bigger dodgers. This has led to a lot of success for me. I started doing this when I read that the deeper you go the bigger your dodger needs to...
The surface tail walks are the best! Man I need to do some koke fishing ASAP! We catch a lot very close to the surface in early season. We even catch quite a few later in the season, early in the morning. Definately worth dropping a flat line out the back because you never know whats going...
Very nice post. Looks like a pretty good weekend trip to the Gorge. We actually headed up Friday, but due to truck troubles had to turn around and go home. We've got all the kinks worked out and will be headed up soon! Thanks for the report!
We use a Panther remote troll. Its the cheapest we could find, and has not dissapointed us at all. Its great to be able to hand the remote off to someone else when a fish hits your pole. Its also great to be able to drive from under the canopy when it gets real hot. I'll get an auto pilot...
Wow, you let it built to 100 dollars? Now thats self control! Good for you. I usually start getting itchy to cash them in when they approach double digits lol That reminds me, I have 8 bucks on there now... I better get those redeemed!
I thought you gave up koke fishing, Wally? haha Glad to hear youre back at it! This offseason seemed way too long for me (especially since I didnt find time to ice fish the Gorge this year). I'll be heading up soon, so I'll post a report when I get back. I hope to have similar luck to what...
Last year we couldnt find a yellow/orange combination (Stinson) of apex that was working great, so we bought some similarly colored flat fish in a similar size. They worked pretty good, not as good as the Apexes, but not bad.
Only 3? I couldnt live like that lol Heres my list for the "what if" though...
Hyper pink from Rocky Mt Tackle
Crushed glow from Rocky Mt Tackle
At least one Crystal Basin Wild Thing
Mai Tai Serpent Spoon from Rocky Mt Tackle
Pink UV hoochie from Rocky Mt Tackle
Pink glow...
Here is a website from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resourses that describes the reservoirs history, and fish management. http://wildlife.utah.gov/strawberry/
Cutthroat are definately the most targeted species. They provide excellent fishing, and grow pretty large because of the plentiful...
The kokanee in Strawberry are not stunted at all. First, its a large and fertile reservoir with plenty of feed. Second, a good portion of those fingerling kokes are eaten by the reservoirs abundant trophy cutthroat. Strawberry is often underated as a kokanee fishery because its a bit more...
Another great time to use black is after run off when water clarity is an issue. Black is my go to color if the water is stained. Add some yellow with it, and thats just deadly. Now, for black hoochies, an RMT black uv hoochie is awesome on cloudy days. I've seen that little hoochie kill...
At one point we had 4 downriggers on my boat. After my grandpa passed away we moved down to 3 and did more stacking. Stacking takes practice, but once you have it down you will be very effective in it. I'm almost always a more the merrier when it comes to lines in the water, but we've...
Heres another vote for a simple loop knot. I use a loop for hoochies, apexes, spoons, and just about everything else. The dodgers I use have excellent swivels built in, so there is plenty of twist control. Loops are fast, simple, and effective.
Here in Utah we also have Strawberry reservoir. This fishery is a little less predictable than the Gorge, but produces some very nice kokanee (in fact, the UT state record came from Strawberry). Its a high mountain lake and is very nice during the summer. The Gorge can get a bit hot for many...
Man, you arent kidding! My brother got an 18 lb mac on a serpent spoon while trolling for kokes. Took a long time to get that baby in on an ultra light setup! But, wow... that was fun! 10-12 lb test is fine, but make sure you've got a good drag... never know whats going to bite up there!
Maybe I'm an oddball here, but we use a mercury 8hp long shaft. Its on my 18.5 foot fiberglass boat, and works great. My boat is very heavy, and is loaded with tons of extras... and it pushes it fine. This motor has been very reliable for the last 3 years. My uncle has been using a 9.9 merc...
The pro cure gels do the trick. You can use the other stuff for visual if you want, but you shouldnt need it. Just a little gel will get you all the kokes you can handle most days!
To answer the question, the earliest we've caught kokes "after ice off" is around March 15th. As the ice was retreating. But we've caught plenty before ice off too. Hopefully we can get up there this year to ice fish... but, its not looking like we're going to be able to.
Hey, good point about snagging the bottom. When I was using the clamp mount in my aluminum boat, I found that out the hard way. I snagged bottom and almost did some real damage before loosening the clutch just in time. Ever since then (when trolling near bottom) I have always made sure to...
Last year we upgraded to Shimano Cardiff's 300A. These reels were a joy to use all year! Very smooth drags, and pretty fast too. Our loss rate on kokes was an all time low last year. I look forward to getting them out for year #2. Love them!